Source code for xdoctest.directive

Directives special comments that influence the runtime behavior of doctests.
There are two types of directives: block and inline

Block directives are specified on their own line and influence the behavior
of multiple lines of code.

Inline directives are specified after in the same line of code and only
influence that line / repl part.

Basic Directives

Basic directives correspond directly to an xdoctest runtime state attribute.
These can be modified by directly using the xdoctest directive syntax.
The following documents all supported basic directives.

The basic directives and their defaults are as follows:


    * ``ELLIPSIS``: True,

    * ``IGNORE_WHITESPACE``: False,



    * ``IGNORE_WANT``: False,

    * ``NORMALIZE_REPR``: True,

    * ``REPORT_CDIFF``: False,

    * ``REPORT_NDIFF``: False,

    * ``REPORT_UDIFF``: True,

    * ``SKIP``: False

Use ``-`` to disable a directive that is enabled by default, e.g.
``# xdoctest: -ELLIPSIS``, or use ``+`` to enable a directive that is disabled by
default, e.g. ``# xdoctest +SKIP``.

Advanced Directives

Advanced directives may take arguments, be conditional, or modify the runtime
state in complex ways.  For instance, whereas most directives modify a boolean
value in the runtime state, the advanced ``REQUIRES`` directive either adds or
removes a value from a ``set`` of unmet requirements. Doctests will only run if
there are no unmet requirements.

Currently the only advanced directive is ``REQUIRES(.)``. Multiple arguments
may be specified, by separating them with commas. The currently available
arguments allow you to condition on:

    * Special operating system / python implementation / python version tags, via: ``WIN32``, ``LINUX``, ``DARWIN``, ``POSIX``, ``NT``, ``JAVA``, ``CPYTHON``, ``IRONPYTHON``, ``JYTHON``, ``PYPY``, ``PY2``, ``PY3``. (e.g. ``# xdoctest +REQUIRES(WIN32)``)

    * Command line flags, via: ``--<someflag>``, (e.g. ``# xdoctest +REQUIRES(--verbose)``)

    * If a python module is installed, via: ``module:<modname>``, (e.g. ``# xdoctest +REQUIRES(module:numpy)``)

    * Environment variables, via: ``env:<varname>==<val>``, (e.g. ``# xdoctest +REQUIRES(env:MYENVIRON==1)``)


- [ ] Directive for Python version: e.g. xdoctest: +REQUIRES(Python>=3.7)
- [ ] Directive for module version: e.g. xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:rich>=1.0)

- [ ] Customize directive.

- [ ] Add SKIPIF directive

Customized Requirements Design:

    * Allow user to specify a customized requirement on the CLI or environ.
      e.g. XDOCTEST_CUSTOM_MY_REQUIRE="import torch; torch.cuda.is_available()"

      Then xdoctest: +REQUIRES(custom:MY_REQUIRE) would invoke it and
      enable the missing requirement if that snippet ended with a truthy or
      falsy value

    python -m xdoctest.directive __doc__

The following example shows how the ``+SKIP`` directives may be used to
bypass certain places in the code.

    >>> # An inline directive appears on the same line as a command and
    >>> # only applies to the current line.
    >>> raise AssertionError('this will not be run (a)')  # xdoctest: +SKIP
    >>> print('This line will print: (A)')
    >>> print('This line will print: (B)')
    >>> # However, if a directive appears on its own line, then it applies
    >>> # too all subsequent lines.
    >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP()
    >>> raise AssertionError('this will not be run (b)')
    >>> print('This line will not print: (A)')
    >>> # Note, that SKIP is simply a state and can be disabled to allow
    >>> # the program to continue executing.
    >>> # xdoctest: -SKIP
    >>> print('This line will print: (C)')
    >>> print('This line will print: (D)')
    >>> # This applies to inline directives as well
    >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP("an assertion would occur")
    >>> raise AssertionError('this will not be run (c)')
    >>> print('This line will print: (E)')  # xdoctest: -SKIP
    >>> raise AssertionError('this will not be run (d)')
    >>> # xdoctest: -SKIP("a reason can be given as an argument")
    >>> print('This line will print: (F)')

This next examples illustrates how to use the advanced ``+REQUIRES()``
directive. Note, the REQUIRES and SKIP states are independent.

    >>> import sys
    >>> plat = sys.platform
    >>> count = 0
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(WIN32)
    >>> assert plat.startswith('win32'), 'this only runs on windows'
    >>> count += 1
    >>> # xdoctest: -REQUIRES(WIN32)
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(LINUX)
    >>> assert plat.startswith('linux'), 'this only runs on linux'
    >>> count += 1
    >>> # xdoctest: -REQUIRES(LINUX)
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(DARWIN)
    >>> assert plat.startswith('darwin'), 'this only runs on osx'
    >>> count += 1
    >>> # xdoctest: -REQUIRES(DARWIN)
    >>> print(count)
    >>> import sys
    >>> if any(plat.startswith(n) for n in {'linux', 'win32', 'darwin'}):
    >>>     assert count == 1, 'Exactly one of the above parts should have run'
    >>> else:
    >>>     assert count == 0, 'Nothing should have run on plat={}'.format(plat)
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--verbose)
    >>> print('This is only printed if you run with --verbose')

    >>> # New in 0.7.3: the requires directive can accept module names
    >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:foobar)
import sys
import os
import re
import copy
import warnings
import operator
from xdoctest import static_analysis as static
from xdoctest import utils
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections import namedtuple

[docs] def named(key, pattern): """ helper for regex Args: key (str): pattern (str): Returns: str """ return '(?P<{}>{})'.format(key, pattern)
# TODO: modify global directive defaults via a config file DEFAULT_RUNTIME_STATE = { 'DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE': False, 'ELLIPSIS': True, 'IGNORE_WHITESPACE': False, 'IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL': False, 'NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE': True, 'IGNORE_WANT': False, # 'IGNORE_MEASUREMENTS': False, # TODO: I want this flag to turn on normalization of numbers, # I.E: non-determenistic measurements do not cause doctest failure, but # other formatting errors will. 'NORMALIZE_REPR': True, 'REPORT_CDIFF': False, 'REPORT_NDIFF': False, 'REPORT_UDIFF': True, # Doctests will be skipped while this is True, note that test only run # if this is False and REQUIRES is empty. 'SKIP': False, # Maintains a set unmet dependencies, ie the reasons we are skipping. # Doctests will be skipped while REQUIRES is non-empty and SKIP is False. 'REQUIRES': set(), # Original directives we are currently not supporting: # DONT_ACCEPT_TRUE_FOR_1 # REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE # REPORTING_FLAGS # COMPARISON_FLAGS } Effect = namedtuple('Effect', ('action', 'key', 'value'))
[docs] class RuntimeState(utils.NiceRepr): """ Maintains the runtime state for a single ``run()`` of an example Inline directives are pushed and popped after the line is run. Otherwise directives persist until another directive disables it. CommandLine: xdoctest -m xdoctest.directive RuntimeState Example: >>> from xdoctest.directive import * >>> runstate = RuntimeState() >>> assert not runstate['IGNORE_WHITESPACE'] >>> # Directives modify the runtime state >>> directives = list(Directive.extract('# xdoc: -ELLIPSIS, +IGNORE_WHITESPACE')) >>> runstate.update(directives) >>> assert not runstate['ELLIPSIS'] >>> assert runstate['IGNORE_WHITESPACE'] >>> # Inline directives only persist until the next update >>> directives = [Directive('IGNORE_WHITESPACE', False, inline=True)] >>> runstate.update(directives) >>> assert not runstate['IGNORE_WHITESPACE'] >>> runstate.update({}) >>> assert runstate['IGNORE_WHITESPACE'] Example: >>> # xdoc: +IGNORE_WHITESPACE >>> print(str(RuntimeState())) <RuntimeState({ DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE: False, ELLIPSIS: True, IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL: False, IGNORE_WANT: False, IGNORE_WHITESPACE: False, NORMALIZE_REPR: True, NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE: True, REPORT_CDIFF: False, REPORT_NDIFF: False, REPORT_UDIFF: True, REQUIRES: set(...), SKIP: False })> """ def __init__(self, default_state=None): """ Args: default_state (None | dict): starting default state, if unspecified falls back to the global DEFAULT_RUNTIME_STATE """ self._global_state = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_RUNTIME_STATE) if default_state: self._global_state.update(default_state) self._inline_state = {}
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Returns: OrderedDict """ state = self._global_state.copy() state.update(self._inline_state) state = OrderedDict(sorted(state.items())) return state
def __nice__(self): """ Returns: str """ parts = ['{}: {}'.format(*item) for item in self.to_dict().items()] return ('{' + ', '.join(parts) + '}') def __getitem__(self, key): """ Args: key (str): Returns: Any """ if key not in self._global_state: raise KeyError('Unknown key: {}'.format(key)) if key in self._inline_state: return self._inline_state[key] else: return self._global_state[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Args: key (str): value (Any): """ if key not in self._global_state: raise KeyError('Unknown key: {}'.format(key)) self._global_state[key] = value
[docs] def set_report_style(self, reportchoice, state=None): """ Args: reportchoice (str): name of report style state (None | Dict): if unspecified defaults to the global state Example: >>> from xdoctest.directive import * >>> runstate = RuntimeState() >>> assert runstate['REPORT_UDIFF'] >>> runstate.set_report_style('ndiff') >>> assert not runstate['REPORT_UDIFF'] >>> assert runstate['REPORT_NDIFF'] """ # When enabling a report flag, toggle all others off if state is None: state = self._global_state for k in state.keys(): if k.startswith('REPORT_'): state[k] = False state['REPORT_' + reportchoice.upper()] = True
[docs] def update(self, directives): """ Update the runtime state given a set of directives Args: directives (List[Directive]): list of directives. The ``effects`` method is used to update this object. """ # Clear the previous inline state self._inline_state.clear() for directive in directives: for effect in directive.effects(): action, key, value = effect if action == 'noop': continue if key not in self._global_state: warnings.warn('Unknown state: {}'.format(key)) # Determine if this impacts the local (inline) or global state. if directive.inline: state = self._inline_state else: state = self._global_state if action == 'set_report_style': # Special handling of report style self.set_report_style(key.replace('REPORT_', '')) elif action == 'assign': state[key] = value elif action == 'set.add': state[key].add(value) elif action == 'set.remove': try: state[key].remove(value) except KeyError: pass else: raise KeyError('unknown action {}'.format(action))
[docs] class Directive(utils.NiceRepr): """ Directives modify the runtime state. """ def __init__(self, name, positive=True, args=[], inline=None): """ Args: name (str): The name of the directive positive (bool): if it is enabling / disabling args (List[str]): arguments given to the directive inline (bool | None): True if this is an inline directive (i.e. only impacts a single line) """ = name self.args = args self.inline = inline self.positive = positive
[docs] @classmethod def extract(cls, text): """ Parses directives from a line or repl line Args: text (str): must correspond to exactly one PS1 line and its PS2 followups. Yields: Directive: directive - the parsed directives Note: The original ``doctest`` module sometimes yielded false positives for a directive pattern. Because ``xdoctest`` is parsing the text, this issue does not occur. Example: >>> from xdoctest.directive import Directive, RuntimeState >>> state = RuntimeState() >>> assert len(state['REQUIRES']) == 0 >>> extracted1 = list(Directive.extract('# xdoctest: +REQUIRES(CPYTHON)')) >>> extracted2 = list(Directive.extract('# xdoctest: +REQUIRES(PYPY)')) >>> print('extracted1 = {!r}'.format(extracted1)) >>> print('extracted2 = {!r}'.format(extracted2)) >>> effect1 = extracted1[0].effects()[0] >>> effect2 = extracted2[0].effects()[0] >>> print('effect1 = {!r}'.format(effect1)) >>> print('effect2 = {!r}'.format(effect2)) >>> assert effect1.value == 'CPYTHON' >>> assert effect2.value == 'PYPY' >>> # At least one of these will not be satisfied >>> assert effect1.action == 'set.add' or effect2.action == 'set.add' >>> state.update(extracted1) >>> state.update(extracted2) >>> print('state = {!r}'.format(state)) >>> assert len(state['REQUIRES']) > 0 Example: >>> from xdoctest.directive import Directive >>> text = '# xdoc: + SKIP' >>> print(', '.join(list(map(str, Directive.extract(text))))) <Directive(+SKIP)> >>> # Directive with args >>> text = '# xdoctest: requires(--show)' >>> print(', '.join(list(map(str, Directive.extract(text))))) <Directive(+REQUIRES(--show))> >>> # Malformatted directives are ignored >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pytest) >>> text = '# xdoctest: does_not_exist, skip' >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.warns(Warning) as record: >>> print(', '.join(list(map(str, Directive.extract(text))))) <Directive(+SKIP)> >>> # Two directives in one line >>> text = '# xdoctest: +ELLIPSIS, -NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE' >>> print(', '.join(list(map(str, Directive.extract(text))))) <Directive(+ELLIPSIS)>, <Directive(-NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE)> >>> # Make sure commas inside parens are not split >>> text = '# xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:foo,module:bar)' >>> print(', '.join(list(map(str, Directive.extract(text))))) <Directive(+REQUIRES(module:foo, module:bar))> Example: >>> from xdoctest.directive import Directive, RuntimeState >>> any(Directive.extract(' # xdoctest: skip')) True >>> any(Directive.extract(' # badprefix: not-a-directive')) False >>> any(Directive.extract(' # xdoctest: skip')) True >>> any(Directive.extract(' # badprefix: not-a-directive')) False """ # Flag extracted directives as inline iff the text contains non-comments inline = not all(line.strip().startswith('#') for line in text.splitlines()) # for comment in static.extract_comments(text): # remove the first comment character and see if the comment matches # the directive pattern m = DIRECTIVE_RE.match(comment[1:].strip()) if m: for key, optstr in m.groupdict().items(): if optstr: optparts = _split_opstr(optstr) # optparts = optstr.split(',') for optpart in optparts: directive = parse_directive_optstr(optpart, inline) if directive: yield directive
def __nice__(self): """ Returns: str """ prefix = ['-', '+'][int(self.positive)] if self.args: argstr = ', '.join(self.args) return '{}{}({})'.format(prefix,, argstr) else: return '{}{}'.format(prefix, def _unpack_args(self, num): from xdoctest.utils import util_deprecation util_deprecation.schedule_deprecation( modname='xdoctest', name='Directive._unpack_args', type='method', migration='there is no need to use this', deprecate='1.0.0', error='1.1.0', remove='1.2.0' ) nargs = self.args if len(nargs) != 1: raise TypeError( '{} directive expected exactly {} argument(s), ' 'got {}'.format(, num, nargs)) return self.args
[docs] def effect(self, argv=None, environ=None): from xdoctest.utils import util_deprecation util_deprecation.schedule_deprecation( modname='xdoctest', name='Directive.effect', type='method', migration='Use Directive.effects instead', deprecate='1.0.0', error='1.1.0', remove='1.2.0' ) effects = self.effects(argv=argv, environ=environ) if len(effects) > 1: raise Exception('Old method cannot handle multiple effects') return effects[0]
[docs] def effects(self, argv=None, environ=None): """ Returns how this directive modifies a RuntimeState object This is called by :func:`RuntimeState.update` to update itself Args: argv (List[str] | None): Command line the directive is interpreted in the context of. If unspecified, uses ``sys.argv``. environ (Dict[str, str] | None): Environment variables the directive is interpreted in the context of. If unspecified, uses ``os.environ``. Returns: List[Effect]: list of named tuples containing: action (str): code indicating how to update key (str): name of runtime state item to modify value (object): value to modify with CommandLine: xdoctest -m xdoctest.directive Directive.effects Example: >>> Directive('SKIP').effects()[0] Effect(action='assign', key='SKIP', value=True) >>> Directive('SKIP', inline=True).effects()[0] Effect(action='assign', key='SKIP', value=True) >>> Directive('REQUIRES', args=['-s']).effects(argv=['-s'])[0] Effect(action='noop', key='REQUIRES', value='-s') >>> Directive('REQUIRES', args=['-s']).effects(argv=[])[0] Effect(action='set.add', key='REQUIRES', value='-s') >>> Directive('ELLIPSIS', args=['-s']).effects(argv=[])[0] Effect(action='assign', key='ELLIPSIS', value=True) Doctest: >>> # requirement directive with module >>> directive = list(Directive.extract('# xdoctest: requires(module:xdoctest)'))[0] >>> print('directive = {}'.format(directive)) >>> print('directive.effects() = {}'.format(directive.effects()[0])) directive = <Directive(+REQUIRES(module:xdoctest))> directive.effects() = Effect(action='noop', key='REQUIRES', value='module:xdoctest') >>> directive = list(Directive.extract('# xdoctest: requires(module:notamodule)'))[0] >>> print('directive = {}'.format(directive)) >>> print('directive.effects() = {}'.format(directive.effects()[0])) directive = <Directive(+REQUIRES(module:notamodule))> directive.effects() = Effect(action='set.add', key='REQUIRES', value='module:notamodule') >>> directive = list(Directive.extract('# xdoctest: requires(env:FOO==1)'))[0] >>> print('directive = {}'.format(directive)) >>> print('directive.effects() = {}'.format(directive.effects(environ={})[0])) directive = <Directive(+REQUIRES(env:FOO==1))> directive.effects() = Effect(action='set.add', key='REQUIRES', value='env:FOO==1') >>> directive = list(Directive.extract('# xdoctest: requires(env:FOO==1)'))[0] >>> print('directive = {}'.format(directive)) >>> print('directive.effects() = {}'.format(directive.effects(environ={'FOO': '1'})[0])) directive = <Directive(+REQUIRES(env:FOO==1))> directive.effects() = Effect(action='noop', key='REQUIRES', value='env:FOO==1') >>> # requirement directive with two args >>> directive = list(Directive.extract('# xdoctest: requires(--show, module:xdoctest)'))[0] >>> print('directive = {}'.format(directive)) >>> for effect in directive.effects(): >>> print('effect = {!r}'.format(effect)) directive = <Directive(+REQUIRES(--show, module:xdoctest))> effect = Effect(action='set.add', key='REQUIRES', value='--show') effect = Effect(action='noop', key='REQUIRES', value='module:xdoctest') """ key = value = None effects = [] if == 'REQUIRES': # Special handling of REQUIRES for arg in self.args: value = arg if _is_requires_satisfied(arg, argv=argv, environ=environ): # If the requirement is met, then do nothing, action = 'noop' else: # otherwise, add or remove the condition from REQUIREMENTS, # depending on if the directive is positive or negative. if self.positive: action = 'set.add' else: action = 'set.remove' effects.append(Effect(action, key, value)) elif key.startswith('REPORT_'): # Special handling of report style if self.positive: action = 'noop' else: action = 'set_report_style' effects.append(Effect(action, key, value)) else: # The action overwrites state[key] using value action = 'assign' value = self.positive effects.append(Effect(action, key, value)) return effects
def _split_opstr(optstr): """ Simplified balanced paren logic to only split commas outside of parens Args: opstr (str): the command, which may contain more than one directive Returns: List[str]: individual directive optstrings Example: >>> optstr = '+FOO, REQUIRES(foo,bar), +ELLIPSIS' >>> _split_opstr(optstr) ['+FOO', 'REQUIRES(foo,bar)', '+ELLIPSIS'] """ import re stack = [] split_pos = [] for match in re.finditer(r',|\(|\)', optstr): token = if token == ',' and not stack: # Only split when there are no parens split_pos.append(match.start()) elif token == '(': stack.append(token) elif token == ')': stack.pop() assert len(stack) == 0, 'parens not balanced' parts = [] prev = 0 for curr in split_pos: parts.append(optstr[prev:curr].strip()) prev = curr + 1 curr = None parts.append(optstr[prev:curr].strip()) return parts def _is_requires_satisfied(arg, argv=None, environ=None): """ Determines if the argument to a REQUIRES directive is satisfied Args: arg (str): condition code argv (List[str] | None): cmdline if arg is cmd code usually ``sys.argv`` environ (Dict[str, str] | None): environment variables usually ``os.environ`` Returns: bool: flag - True if the requirement is met Example: >>> from xdoctest.directive import * # NOQA >>> from xdoctest.directive import _is_requires_satisfied >>> _is_requires_satisfied('PY2', argv=[]) >>> _is_requires_satisfied('PY3', argv=[]) >>> _is_requires_satisfied('cpython', argv=[]) >>> _is_requires_satisfied('pypy', argv=[]) >>> _is_requires_satisfied('nt', argv=[]) >>> _is_requires_satisfied('linux', argv=[]) >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:FOO', argv=[], environ={'FOO': '1'}) True >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:FOO==1', argv=[], environ={'FOO': '1'}) True >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:FOO==T', argv=[], environ={'FOO': '1'}) False >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:BAR', argv=[], environ={'FOO': '1'}) False >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:BAR==1', argv=[], environ={'FOO': '1'}) False >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:BAR!=1', argv=[], environ={'FOO': '1'}) True >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:BAR!=1', argv=[], environ={'BAR': '0'}) True >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:BAR!=1') ... >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pytest) >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(ValueError): >>> _is_requires_satisfied('badflag:BAR==1', []) >>> import pytest >>> with pytest.raises(KeyError): >>> _is_requires_satisfied('env:BAR>=1', argv=[], environ={'BAR': '0'}) """ # TODO: add python version options # SYS_PLATFORM_TAGS = ['win32', 'linux', 'darwin', 'cywgin', 'aix', 'freebsd'] OS_NAME_TAGS = ['posix', 'nt', 'java'] PY_IMPL_TAGS = ['cpython', 'ironpython', 'jython', 'pypy'] # TODO: tox tags: PY_VER_TAGS = ['py2', 'py3'] arg_lower = arg.lower() # TODO: better chained version parsing # Should be able to specify Python>=3.8,Python!=3.8.1,env:HASIT<3 if arg.startswith('-'): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv flag = arg in argv elif arg.startswith('module:'): parts = arg.split(':') if len(parts) != 2: raise ValueError('xdoctest module REQUIRES directive has too many parts') # set flag to False (aka SKIP) if the module does not exist modname = parts[1] flag = _module_exists(modname) elif arg.startswith('env:'): if environ is None: environ = os.environ parts = arg.split(':') if len(parts) != 2: raise ValueError('xdoctest env REQUIRES directive has too many parts') envexpr = parts[1] expr_parts = re.split('(==|!=|>=)', envexpr) if len(expr_parts) == 1: # Test if the environment variable is truthy env_key = expr_parts[0] flag = bool(environ.get(env_key, None)) elif len(expr_parts) == 3: # Test if the environment variable is equal to an expression env_key, op_code, value = expr_parts env_val = environ.get(env_key, None) if op_code == '==': op = operator.eq elif op_code == '!=': op = else: raise KeyError(op_code) flag = op(env_val, value) else: raise ValueError('Too many expr_parts={}'.format(expr_parts)) elif arg_lower in SYS_PLATFORM_TAGS: flag = sys.platform.lower().startswith(arg_lower) elif arg_lower in OS_NAME_TAGS: flag = elif arg_lower in PY_IMPL_TAGS: import platform flag = platform.python_implementation().lower().startswith(arg_lower) elif arg_lower in PY_VER_TAGS: if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # nocover flag = arg_lower == 'py2' elif sys.version_info[0] == 3: # pragma: nobranch flag = arg_lower == 'py3' else: # nocover flag = False else: msg = utils.codeblock( ''' Argument to REQUIRES directive must be either (1) a PLATFORM or OS tag (e.g. win32, darwin, linux), (2) a command line flag prefixed with '--', or (3) a module prefixed with 'module:'. (4) an environment variable prefixed with 'env:'. Got arg={!r} ''').replace('\n', ' ').strip().format(arg) raise ValueError(msg) return flag _MODNAME_EXISTS_CACHE = {} def _module_exists(modname): """ Args: modname (str): Returns: bool """ if modname not in _MODNAME_EXISTS_CACHE: from xdoctest import static_analysis as static modpath = static.modname_to_modpath(modname) exists_flag = modpath is not None _MODNAME_EXISTS_CACHE[modname] = exists_flag exists_flag = _MODNAME_EXISTS_CACHE[modname] return exists_flag # __docstubs__ = ''' # import re # if hasattr(re, 'Pattern'): # RE_Pattern = re.Pattern # else: # # sys.version_info[0:2] <= 3.6 # RE_Pattern = type(re.compile('.*')) # DIRECTIVE_RE: RE_Pattern # DIRECTIVE_PATTERNS: list # COMMANDS: list # ''' COMMANDS = list(DEFAULT_RUNTIME_STATE.keys()) + [ # Define extra commands that can resolve to a runtime state modification 'REQUIRES', ] DIRECTIVE_PATTERNS = [ #r'\s*\+\s*' + named('style1', '.*'), r'x?doctest:\s*' + named('style2', '.*'), r'x?doc:\s*' + named('style3', '.*'), ] DIRECTIVE_RE = re.compile('|'.join(DIRECTIVE_PATTERNS), flags=re.IGNORECASE)
[docs] def parse_directive_optstr(optpart, inline=None): """ Parses the information in the directive from the "optpart" optstrs are: optionally prefixed with ``+`` (default) or ``-`` comma separated may contain one paren enclosed argument (experimental) all spaces are ignored Args: optpart (str): the string corresponding to the operation inline (None | bool): True if the directive only applies to a single line. Returns: Directive: the parsed directive Example: >>> print(str(parse_directive_optstr('+IGNORE_WHITESPACE'))) <Directive(+IGNORE_WHITESPACE)> """ optpart = optpart.strip() # all spaces are ignored optpart = optpart.replace(' ', '') paren_pos = optpart.find('(') if paren_pos > -1: # handle simple paren case. body = optpart[paren_pos + 1:optpart.find(')')] args = [a.strip() for a in body.split(',')] # args = [optpart[paren_pos + 1:optpart.find(')')]] optpart = optpart[:paren_pos] else: args = [] # Determine if the option starts with + or - (we assume + by default) if optpart.startswith(('+', '-')): positive = not optpart.startswith('-') name = optpart[1:] else: positive = True name = optpart name = name.upper() if name not in COMMANDS: msg = 'Unknown directive: {!r}'.format(optpart) warnings.warn(msg) else: directive = Directive(name, positive, args, inline) return directive
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.directive all """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)