Source code for xdoctest.doctest_example

This module defines the main class that holds a DocTest example
import __future__
from collections import OrderedDict
import traceback
import warnings
import math
import sys
import re
from xdoctest import utils
from xdoctest import directive
from xdoctest import constants
from xdoctest import static_analysis as static
from xdoctest import parser
from xdoctest import checker
from xdoctest import exceptions
from xdoctest import global_state

__devnotes__ = """
    - [ ] Rename DocTest to Doctest? - Probably not, its been years.
    - [ ] I dont like having "example" as a suffix to this modname, can we rename? - Probably not, its been years.

__docstubs__ = """
from xdoctest.doctest_part import DoctestPart

[docs] class DoctestConfig(dict): """ Doctest configuration Static configuration for collection, execution, and reporting doctests. Note dynamic directives are not managed by DoctestConfig, they use RuntimeState. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DoctestConfig, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.update({ # main options exposed by command line runner/plugin 'colored': hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty(), 'reportchoice': 'udiff', 'default_runtime_state': {}, 'offset_linenos': False, 'global_exec': None, 'supress_import_errors': False, 'on_error': 'raise', 'partnos': False, 'verbose': 1, }) def _populate_from_cli(self, ns): from xdoctest.directive import parse_directive_optstr directive_optstr = ns['options'] default_runtime_state = {} if directive_optstr: for optpart in directive_optstr.split(','): directive = parse_directive_optstr(optpart) if directive is None: raise Exception( 'Failed to parse directive given in the xdoctest "options"' 'directive_optstr={!r}'.format(directive_optstr) ) default_runtime_state[] = directive.positive _examp_conf = { 'default_runtime_state': default_runtime_state, 'offset_linenos': ns['offset_linenos'], 'colored': ns['colored'], 'reportchoice': ns['reportchoice'], 'global_exec': ns['global_exec'], 'supress_import_errors': ns['supress_import_errors'], 'verbose': ns['verbose'], } return _examp_conf def _update_argparse_cli(self, add_argument, prefix=None, defaults={}): """ Updates a pytest or argparse CLI Args: add_argument (callable): the parser.add_argument function """ import argparse def str_lower(x): # python2 fix return str.lower(str(x)) add_argument_kws = [ (['--colored'], dict(dest='colored', default=self['colored'], help=('Enable or disable ANSI coloration in stdout'))), (['--nocolor'], dict(dest='colored', action='store_false', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help=('Disable ANSI coloration in stdout'))), (['--offset'], dict(dest='offset_linenos', action='store_true', default=self['offset_linenos'], help=('If True formatted source linenumbers will agree with ' 'their location in the source file. Otherwise they ' 'will be relative to the doctest itself.'))), (['--report'], dict(dest='reportchoice', type=str_lower, choices=('none', 'cdiff', 'ndiff', 'udiff', 'only_first_failure',), default=self['reportchoice'], help=('Choose another output format for diffs on xdoctest failure'))), # used to build default_runtime_state (['--options'], dict(type=str_lower, default=None, dest='options', help='Default directive flags for doctests')), (['--global-exec'], dict(type=str, default=None, dest='global_exec', help='Custom Python code to execute before every test')), (['--supress-import-errors'], dict(dest='supress_import_errors', action='store_true', default=self['supress_import_errors'], help='Removes tracebacks from errors in implicit imports')), (['--verbose'], dict( type=int, default=defaults.get('verbose', 3), dest='verbose', help=( 'Verbosity level. ' '0 is silent, ' '1 prints out test names, ' '2 additionally prints test stdout, ' '3 additionally prints test source'))), (['--quiet'], dict(action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='sets verbosity to 1')), (['--silent'], dict(action='store_false', dest='verbose', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='sets verbosity to 0')), ] if prefix is None: prefix = [''] # TODO: make environment variables as args more general import os environ_aware = {'report', 'options', 'global-exec', 'verbose'} for alias, kw in add_argument_kws: # Use environment variables for some defaults argname = alias[0].lstrip('-') if argname in environ_aware: env_argname = 'XDOCTEST_' + argname.replace('-', '_').upper() if 'default' in kw: kw['default'] = os.environ.get(env_argname, kw['default']) alias = [ a.replace('--', '--' + p + '-') if p else a for a in alias for p in prefix ] if prefix[0]: kw['dest'] = prefix[0] + '_' + kw['dest'] add_argument(*alias, **kw)
[docs] def getvalue(self, key, given=None): """ Args: key (str): The configuration key given (Any): A user override Returns: Any: if given is None returns the configured value """ if given is None: return self[key] else: return given
[docs] class DocTest(object): """ Holds information necessary to execute and verify a doctest Attributes: docsrc (str): doctest source code modpath (str | PathLike): module the source was read from callname (str): name of the function/method/class/module being tested num (int): the index of the doctest in the docstring. (i.e. this object refers to the num-th doctest within a docstring) lineno (int): The line (starting from 1) in the file that the doctest begins on. (i.e. if you were to go to this line in the file, the first line of the doctest should be on this line). fpath (PathLike): Typically the same as modpath, only specified for non-python files (e.g. rst files). block_type (str | None): Hint indicating the type of docstring block. Can be ('Example', 'Doctest', 'Script', 'Benchmark', 'zero-arg', etc..). mode (str): Hint at what created / is running this doctest. This impacts how results are presented and what doctests are skipped. Can be "native" or "pytest". Defaults to "pytest". config (DoctestConfig): configuration for running / checking the doctest module (ModuleType | None): a reference to the module that contains the doctest modname (str): name of the module that contains the doctest. failed_tb_lineno (int | None): Line number a failure occurred on. exc_info (None | TracebackType): traceback of a failure if one occurred. failed_part (None | DoctestPart): the part containing the failure if one occurred. warn_list (list): from :func:`warnings.catch_warnings` logged_evals (OrderedDict): Mapping from part index to what they evaluated to (if anything) logged_stdout (OrderedDict): Mapping from part index to captured stdout. global_namespace (dict): globals visible to the doctest CommandLine: xdoctest -m xdoctest.doctest_example DocTest Example: >>> from xdoctest import core >>> from xdoctest import doctest_example >>> import os >>> modpath = doctest_example.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py') >>> modpath = os.path.realpath(modpath) >>> testables = core.parse_doctestables(modpath) >>> for test in testables: >>> if test.callname == 'DocTest': >>> self = test >>> break >>> assert self.num == 0 >>> assert self.modpath == modpath >>> print(self) <DocTest(xdoctest.doctest_example DocTest:0 ln ...)> """ # Constant values for unknown attributes UNKNOWN_MODNAME = '<modname?>' UNKNOWN_MODPATH = '<modpath?>' UNKNOWN_CALLNAME = '<callname?>' UNKNOWN_FPATH = '<fpath?>' def __init__(self, docsrc, modpath=None, callname=None, num=0, lineno=1, fpath=None, block_type=None, mode='pytest'): """ Args: docsrc (str): the text of the doctest modpath (str | PathLike | None): callname (str | None): num (int): lineno (int): fpath (str | None): block_type (str | None): mode (str): """ import types # if we know the google block type it is recorded self.block_type = block_type self.config = DoctestConfig() self.module = None self.modpath = modpath self.fpath = fpath if modpath is None: self.modname = self.UNKNOWN_MODNAME self.modpath = self.UNKNOWN_MODPATH elif isinstance(modpath, types.ModuleType): self.fpath = modpath self.module = modpath self.modname = modpath.__name__ self.modpath = getattr(self.module, '__file__', self.UNKNOWN_MODPATH) else: if fpath is not None: if fpath != modpath: raise AssertionError( 'only specify fpath for non-python files') self.fpath = modpath self.modname = static.modpath_to_modname(modpath) if callname is None: self.callname = self.UNKNOWN_CALLNAME else: self.callname = callname self.docsrc = docsrc self.lineno = lineno self.num = num self._parts = None self.failed_tb_lineno = None self.exc_info = None self.failed_part = None self.warn_list = None self._partfilename = None self.logged_evals = OrderedDict() self.logged_stdout = OrderedDict() self._unmatched_stdout = [] self._skipped_parts = [] self._runstate = None # Maintain global variables that this test will have access to self.global_namespace = {} # Hint at what is running this doctest self.mode = mode def __nice__(self): """ Returns: str """ parts = [] parts.append(self.modname) parts.append('%s:%s' % (self.callname, self.num)) if self.lineno is not None: parts.append('ln %s' % (self.lineno)) return ' '.join(parts) def __repr__(self): """ Returns: str """ classname = self.__class__.__name__ devnice = self.__nice__() return '<%s(%s) at %s>' % (classname, devnice, hex(id(self))) def __str__(self): """ Returns: str """ classname = self.__class__.__name__ devnice = self.__nice__() return '<%s(%s)>' % (classname, devnice)
[docs] def is_disabled(self, pytest=False): """ Checks for comment directives on the first line of the doctest A doctest is force-disabled if it starts with any of the following patterns * ``>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST`` * ``>>> # SCRIPT`` * ``>>> # UNSTABLE`` * ``>>> # FAILING`` And if running in pytest, you can also use * ``>>> import pytest; pytest.skip()`` Note: modern versions of xdoctest contain directives like `# xdoctest: +SKIP`, which are a better way to do this. TODO: Robustly deprecate these non-standard ways of disabling a doctest. Generate a warning for several versions if they are used, and indicate what the replacement strategy is. Then raise an error for several more versions before finally removing this code. Returns: bool: """ disable_patterns = [ r'>>>\s*#\s*DISABLE', r'>>>\s*#\s*UNSTABLE', r'>>>\s*#\s*FAILING', r'>>>\s*#\s*SCRIPT', r'>>>\s*#\s*SLOW_DOCTEST', # r'>>>\s*#\s*x?doctest:\s\+SKIP', ] if pytest: disable_patterns += [ r'>>>\s*#\s*pytest.skip' ] pattern = '|'.join(disable_patterns) m = re.match(pattern, self.docsrc, flags=re.IGNORECASE) return m is not None
@property def unique_callname(self): """ A key that references this doctest given its module Returns: str """ return self.callname + ':' + str(self.num) @property def node(self): """ A key that references this doctest within pytest Returns: str """ return self.modpath + '::' + self.callname + ':' + str(self.num) @property def valid_testnames(self): """ A set of callname and unique_callname Returns: Set[str] """ return { self.callname, self.unique_callname, }
[docs] def wants(self): """ Returns a list of the populated wants Yields: str """ self._parse() for part in self._parts: if part.want: yield part.want
[docs] def format_parts(self, linenos=True, colored=None, want=True, offset_linenos=None, prefix=True): """ Used by :func:`format_src` Args: linenos (bool): show line numbers colored (bool | None): pygmentize the code want (bool): include the want value if it exists offset_linenos (bool): if True include the line offset relative to the source file prefix (bool): if False, exclude the doctest ``>>> `` prefix """ self._parse() colored = self.config.getvalue('colored', colored) partnos = self.config.getvalue('partnos') offset_linenos = self.config.getvalue('offset_linenos', offset_linenos) n_digits = None startline = 1 if linenos: if offset_linenos: startline = self.lineno n_lines = sum(p.n_lines for p in self._parts) endline = startline + n_lines n_digits = math.log(max(1, endline), 10) n_digits = int(math.ceil(n_digits)) for part in self._parts: part_text = part.format_part(linenos=linenos, want=want, startline=startline, n_digits=n_digits, prefix=prefix, colored=colored, partnos=partnos) yield part_text
[docs] def format_src(self, linenos=True, colored=None, want=True, offset_linenos=None, prefix=True): """ Adds prefix and line numbers to a doctest Args: linenos (bool): if True, adds line numbers to output colored (bool): if True highlight text with ansi colors. Default is specified in the config. want (bool): if True includes "want" lines (default False). offset_linenos (bool): if True offset line numbers to agree with their position in the source text file (default False). prefix (bool): if False, exclude the doctest `>>> ` prefix Returns: str Example: >>> from xdoctest.core import * >>> from xdoctest import core >>> testables = parse_doctestables(core.__file__) >>> self = next(testables) >>> self._parse() >>> print(self.format_src()) >>> print(self.format_src(linenos=False, colored=False)) >>> assert not self.is_disabled() """ formated_parts = list(self.format_parts(linenos=linenos, colored=colored, want=want, offset_linenos=offset_linenos, prefix=prefix)) full_source = '\n'.join(formated_parts) return full_source
def _parse(self): """ Divide the given string into examples and intervening text. Returns: None Example: >>> s = 'I am a dummy example with three parts' >>> x = 10 >>> print(s) I am a dummy example with three parts >>> s = 'My purpose it so demonstrate how wants work here' >>> print('The new want applies ONLY to stdout') >>> print('given before the last want') >>> ''' this wont hurt the test at all even though its multiline ''' >>> y = 20 The new want applies ONLY to stdout given before the last want >>> # Parts from previous examples are executed in the same context >>> print(x + y) 30 this is simply text, and doesnt apply to the previous doctest the <BLANKLINE> directive is still in effect. Example: >>> from xdoctest import parser >>> from xdoctest.docstr import docscrape_google >>> from xdoctest import doctest_example >>> DocTest = doctest_example.DocTest >>> docstr = DocTest._parse.__doc__ >>> blocks = docscrape_google.split_google_docblocks(docstr) >>> doclineno = DocTest._parse.__code__.co_firstlineno >>> key, (docsrc, offset) = blocks[-2] >>> lineno = doclineno + offset >>> self = DocTest(docsrc, doctest_example.__file__, '_parse', 0, >>> lineno) >>> self._parse() >>> assert len(self._parts) >= 3 >>> #p1, p2, p3 = self._parts >>> """ if not self._parts: info = dict(callname=self.callname, modpath=self.modpath, lineno=self.lineno, fpath=self.fpath) self._parts = parser.DoctestParser().parse(self.docsrc, info) self._parts = [p for p in self._parts if not isinstance(p, str)] # Ensure part numbers are given for partno, part in enumerate(self._parts): part.partno = partno def _import_module(self): """ After this point we are in dynamic analysis mode, in most cases xdoctest should have been in static-analysis-only mode. Returns: None """ if self.module is None: if not self.modname.startswith('<'): # self.module = utils.import_module_from_path(self.modpath, index=0) if global_state.DEBUG_DOCTEST: print('Pre-importing modpath = {}'.format(self.modpath)) try: # Note: there is a possibility of conflicts that arises # here depending on your local environment. We may want to # try and detect that. self.module = utils.import_module_from_path(self.modpath, index=-1) except RuntimeError as ex: if global_state.DEBUG_DOCTEST: print('sys.path={}'.format(sys.path)) print('Failed to pre-import modpath = {}'.format(self.modpath)) msg_parts = [ ('XDoctest failed to pre-import the module ' 'containing the doctest.') ] msg_parts.append(str(ex)) new_exc = RuntimeError('\n'.join(msg_parts)) if not self.config['supress_import_errors']: raise else: # new_exc = ex # Remove traceback before this line new_exc.__traceback__ = None # Backwards syntax compatible raise exc from None # new_exc.__cause__ = None raise new_exc else: if global_state.DEBUG_DOCTEST: print('Pre import success: self.module={}'.format(self.module)) @staticmethod def _extract_future_flags(namespace): """ Return the compiler-flags associated with the future features that have been imported into the given namespace (i.e. globals). Returns: int """ compileflags = 0 for key in __future__.all_feature_names: feature = namespace.get(key, None) if feature is getattr(__future__, key): compileflags |= feature.compiler_flag return compileflags def _test_globals(self): test_globals = self.global_namespace if self.module is None: compileflags = 0 else: # Its unclear what the side effects of populating globals with # __name__, __package__, etc are. They do cause differences. # between that and IPython code. Probably regular code too. # # # import types # dummy_name = self.module.__name__ + '_xdoctest_sandbox' # if dummy_name in sys.modules: # dummy_mod = sys.modules[dummy_name] # else: # dummy_mod = types.ModuleType(dummy_name) # sys.modules[dummy_name] = dummy_mod test_globals.update(self.module.__dict__) # test_globals.update(dummy_mod.__dict__) # importable_attrs = { # k: v for k, v in self.module.__dict__.items() # if not k.startswith('__') # } # test_globals.update(importable_attrs) # test_globals['__name__'] = self.module.__name__ + '.doctest' # test_globals['__name__'] = '__main__' # test_globals['__file__'] = None # test_globals['__package__'] = None compileflags = self._extract_future_flags(test_globals) # force print function and division futures compileflags |= __future__.print_function.compiler_flag compileflags |= __future__.division.compiler_flag return test_globals, compileflags
[docs] def anything_ran(self): """ Returns: bool """ # If everything was skipped, then there will be no stdout return len(self.logged_stdout) > 0
[docs] def run(self, verbose=None, on_error=None): """ Executes the doctest, checks the results, reports the outcome. Args: verbose (int): verbosity level on_error (str): can be 'raise' or 'return' Returns: Dict : summary """ on_error = self.config.getvalue('on_error', on_error) verbose = self.config.getvalue('verbose', verbose) if on_error not in {'raise', 'return'}: raise KeyError(on_error) self._parse() # parse out parts if we have not already done so self._pre_run(verbose) # Prepare for actual test run self.logged_evals.clear() self.logged_stdout.clear() self._unmatched_stdout = [] self._skipped_parts = [] self.exc_info = None self._suppressed_stdout = verbose <= 1 # Initialize a new runtime state default_state = self.config['default_runtime_state'] runstate = self._runstate = directive.RuntimeState(default_state) # setup reporting choice runstate.set_report_style(self.config['reportchoice'].lower()) # Defer the execution of the pre-import until we know at least one part # in the doctest will run. did_pre_import = False # Can't do this because we can't force execution of SCRIPTS # if self.is_disabled(): # runstate['SKIP'] = True needs_capture = True DEBUG = global_state.DEBUG_DOCTEST # Use the same capture object for all parts in the test cap = utils.CaptureStdout(suppress=self._suppressed_stdout, enabled=needs_capture) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as self.warn_list: for partx, part in enumerate(self._parts): if DEBUG: print(f'part[{partx}] checking') # Prepare to capture stdout and evaluated values self.failed_part = part # Assume part will fail (it may not) got_eval = constants.NOT_EVALED # Extract directives and and update runtime state part_directive = part.directives if DEBUG: print(f'part[{partx}] directives: {part_directive}') try: try: runstate.update(part_directive) except Exception as ex: msg = ( 'Failed to parse directive: {} in {} at line {}. Caused by {}'.format( part_directive, self.fpath, self.lineno + part.line_offset, repr(ex))) raise Exception(msg) except Exception: self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() self.failed_tb_lineno = 1 # is this the directive line? if on_error == 'raise': raise break if DEBUG: print(f'part[{partx}] runstate={runstate}') print(f'runstate._inline_state={runstate._inline_state}') print(f'runstate._global_state={runstate._global_state}') # Handle runtime actions if runstate['SKIP'] or len(runstate['REQUIRES']) > 0: if DEBUG: print(f'part[{partx}] runstate requests skipping') self._skipped_parts.append(part) continue if not part.has_any_code(): if DEBUG: print(f'part[{partx}] No code, skipping') self._skipped_parts.append(part) continue if not did_pre_import: # Execute the pre-import before the first run of # non-skipped code. if DEBUG: print(f'part[{partx}] Importing parent module') try: self._import_module() except Exception: self.failed_part = '<IMPORT>' self._partfilename = '<doctest:' + self.node + ':pre_import>' self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() if on_error == 'raise': raise else: summary = self._post_run(verbose) return summary test_globals, compileflags = self._test_globals() if DEBUG: print('Global names = {}'.format(sorted(test_globals.keys()))) global_exec = self.config.getvalue('global_exec') if global_exec: # Hack to make it easier to specify multi-line input on the CLI global_source = utils.codeblock(global_exec.replace('\\n', '\n')) global_code = compile( global_source, mode='exec', filename='<doctest:' + self.node + ':' + 'global_exec>', flags=compileflags, dont_inherit=True ) exec(global_code, test_globals) did_pre_import = True try: # Compile code, handle syntax errors # part.compile_mode can be single, exec, or eval. # Typically single is used instead of eval self._partfilename = '<doctest:' + self.node + '>' source_text = part.compilable_source() code = compile( source_text, mode=part.compile_mode, filename=self._partfilename, flags=compileflags, dont_inherit=True ) except KeyboardInterrupt: # nocover raise except Exception: raise # self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() # ex_type, ex_value, tb = self.exc_info # self.failed_tb_lineno = tb.tb_lineno # if on_error == 'raise': # raise try: # Execute the doctest code try: # NOTE: For code passed to eval or exec, there is no # difference between locals and globals. Only pass in # one dict, otherwise there is weird behavior with cap: # We can execute each part using exec or eval. If # a doctest part has `compile_mode=eval` we # expect it to return an object with a repr that # can compared to a "want" statement. # print('part.compile_mode = {!r}'.format(part.compile_mode)) if part.compile_mode == 'eval': got_eval = eval(code, test_globals) else: exec(code, test_globals) # Record any standard output and "got_eval" produced by # this doctest_part. self.logged_evals[partx] = got_eval self.logged_stdout[partx] = cap.text except Exception: if part.want: # A failure may be expected if the traceback # matches the part's want statement. exception = sys.exc_info() traceback.format_exception_only(*exception[:2]) exc_got = traceback.format_exception_only(*exception[:2])[-1] want = part.want checker.check_exception(exc_got, want, runstate) else: raise else: """ TODO: [ ] - Delay got-want failure until the end of the doctest. Allow the rest of the code to run. If multiple errors occur, show them both. """ if part.want: got_stdout = cap.text if not runstate['IGNORE_WANT']: part.check(got_stdout, got_eval, runstate, unmatched=self._unmatched_stdout) # Clear unmatched output when a check passes self._unmatched_stdout = [] else: # If a part doesnt have a want allow its output to # be matched by the next part. self._unmatched_stdout.append(cap.text) # Handle anything that could go wrong except KeyboardInterrupt: # nocover raise except (exceptions.ExitTestException, exceptions._pytest.outcomes.Skipped) as ex: if verbose > 0: print('Test gracefully exists on: ex={}'.format(ex)) break except checker.GotWantException: # When the "got", doesn't match the "want" self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() if on_error == 'raise': raise break except checker.ExtractGotReprException as ex: # When we fail to extract the "got" self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() if on_error == 'raise': raise ex.orig_ex break except Exception as _ex_dbg: ex_type, ex_value, tb = sys.exc_info() DEBUG = global_state.DEBUG_DOCTEST if DEBUG: print('_ex_dbg = {!r}'.format(_ex_dbg)) print('<DEBUG: doctest encountered exception>', file=sys.stderr) print(''.join(traceback.format_tb(tb)), file=sys.stderr) print('</DEBUG>', file=sys.stderr) # Search for the traceback that corresponds with the # doctest, and remove the parts that point to # boilerplate lines in this file. found_lineno = None for sub_tb in _traverse_traceback(tb): tb_filename = sub_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename if tb_filename == self._partfilename: # Walk up the traceback until we find the one that has # the doctest as the base filename found_lineno = sub_tb.tb_lineno break if DEBUG: # The only traceback remaining should be # the part that is relevant to the user print('<DEBUG: best sub_tb>', file=sys.stderr) print('found_lineno = {!r}'.format(found_lineno), file=sys.stderr) print(''.join(traceback.format_tb(sub_tb)), file=sys.stderr) print('</DEBUG>', file=sys.stderr) if found_lineno is None: if DEBUG: print('UNABLE TO CLEAN TRACEBACK. EXIT DUE TO DEBUG') sys.exit(1) raise ValueError('Could not clean traceback: ex = {!r}'.format(_ex_dbg)) else: self.failed_tb_lineno = found_lineno self.exc_info = (ex_type, ex_value, tb) # The idea of CLEAN_TRACEBACK is to make it so the # traceback from this function doesn't clutter the error # message the user sees. if on_error == 'raise': raise break finally: if cap.enabled: assert cap.text is not None # Ensure that we logged the output even in failure cases self.logged_evals[partx] = got_eval self.logged_stdout[partx] = cap.text if self.exc_info is None: self.failed_part = None if len(self._skipped_parts) == len(self._parts): # we skipped everything if self.mode == 'pytest': import pytest pytest.skip() summary = self._post_run(verbose) # Clear the global namespace so doctests don't leak memory self.global_namespace.clear() return summary
@property def globs(self): """ Alias for ``global_namespace`` for pytest 8.0 compatability """ return self.global_namespace @property def cmdline(self): """ A cli-instruction that can be used to execute *this* doctest. Returns: str: """ if self.mode == 'pytest': return 'pytest ' + self.node elif self.mode == 'native': ALLOW_MODNAME_CMDLINE = False if ALLOW_MODNAME_CMDLINE: # not 100% reliable if any dynamic code has executed before # or we are doing self-testing in_path = static.is_modname_importable(self.modname) if in_path: # should be able to find the module by name return 'python -m xdoctest ' + self.modname + ' ' + self.unique_callname else: # needs the full path to be able to run the module return 'python -m xdoctest ' + self.modpath + ' ' + self.unique_callname else: # Probably safer to always use the path return 'python -m xdoctest ' + self.modpath + ' ' + self.unique_callname else: raise KeyError(self.mode) @property def _block_prefix(self): return 'ZERO-ARG' if self.block_type == 'zero-arg' else 'DOCTEST' def _pre_run(self, verbose): if verbose >= 1: if verbose >= 2: barrier = self._color('====== <exec> ======', 'white') print(barrier) if self.block_type == 'zero-arg': # zero-arg funcs arent doctests, but we can still run them print('* ZERO-ARG FUNC : {}'.format(self.node)) else: print('* DOCTEST : {}, line {}'.format(self.node, self.lineno) + self._color(' <- wrt source file', 'white')) if verbose >= 3: print(self._color(self._block_prefix + ' SOURCE', 'white')) print(self.format_src()) print(self._color(self._block_prefix + ' STDOUT/STDERR', 'white'))
[docs] def failed_line_offset(self): """ Determine which line in the doctest failed. Returns: int | None """ if self.exc_info is None: return None else: if self.failed_part == '<IMPORT>': return 0 ex_type, ex_value, tb = self.exc_info offset = self.failed_part.line_offset if isinstance(ex_value, checker.ExtractGotReprException): # Return the line of the "got" expression offset += self.failed_part.n_exec_lines elif isinstance(ex_value, checker.GotWantException): # Return the line of the want line offset += self.failed_part.n_exec_lines + 1 else: offset += self.failed_tb_lineno offset -= 1 return offset
[docs] def failed_lineno(self): """ Returns: int | None """ offset = self.failed_line_offset() if offset is None: return None else: # Find the first line of the part lineno = self.lineno + offset return lineno
[docs] def repr_failure(self, with_tb=True): r""" Constructs lines detailing information about a failed doctest Args: with_tb (bool): if True include the traceback Returns: List[str] CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.core DocTest.repr_failure:0 python -m xdoctest.core DocTest.repr_failure:1 python -m xdoctest.core DocTest.repr_failure:2 Example: >>> from xdoctest.core import * >>> docstr = utils.codeblock( ''' >>> x = 1 >>> print(x + 1) 2 >>> print(x + 3) 3 >>> print(x + 100) 101 ''') >>> parsekw = dict(fpath='foo.txt', callname='bar', lineno=42) >>> self = list(parse_docstr_examples(docstr, **parsekw))[0] >>> summary ='return', verbose=0) >>> print('[res]' + '\n[res]'.join(self.repr_failure())) Example: >>> from xdoctest.core import * >>> docstr = utils.codeblock( r''' >>> 1 1 >>> print('.▴ .\n.▴ ▴.') # xdoc: -NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE . ▴ . .▴ ▴. ''') >>> parsekw = dict(fpath='foo.txt', callname='bar', lineno=42) >>> self = list(parse_docstr_examples(docstr, **parsekw))[0] >>> summary ='return', verbose=1) >>> print('[res]' + '\n[res]'.join(self.repr_failure())) Example: >>> from xdoctest.core import * >>> docstr = utils.codeblock( ''' >>> assert True >>> assert False >>> x = 100 ''') >>> self = list(parse_docstr_examples(docstr))[0] >>> summary ='return', verbose=0) >>> print('[res]' + '\n[res]'.join(self.repr_failure())) """ # '=== LINES ===', # ] # if '--xdoc-debug' in sys.argv: # lines += ['DEBUG PARTS: '] # for partx, part in enumerate(self._parts): # lines += [str(partx) + ': ' + str(part)] # lines += [' directives: {!r}'.format(part.directives)] # lines += [' want: {!r}'.format(str(part.want)[0:25])] # val = self.logged_evals.get(partx, None) # lines += [' eval: ' + repr(val)] # val = self.logged_stdout.get(partx, None) # lines += [' stdout: ' + repr(val)] # partx = self._parts.index(self.failed_part) # lines += [ # 'failed partx = {}'.format(partx) # ] # failed_part = self.failed_part # lines += ['----'] # lines += ['Failed part line offset:'] # lines += ['{}'.format(failed_part.line_offset)] # lines += ['Failed directives:'] # lines += ['{}'.format(list(failed_part.directives))] # lines += ['Failed part source:'] # lines += failed_part.exec_lines # lines += ['Failed part want:'] # if failed_part.want_lines: # lines += failed_part.want_lines # lines += ['Failed part stdout:'] # lines += self.logged_stdout[partx].splitlines() # lines += ['Failed part eval:'] # lines += [repr(self.logged_evals[partx])] # lines += ['----'] # lines += [ # # 'self.module = {}'.format(self.module), # # 'self.modpath = {}'.format(self.modpath), # # 'self.modpath = {}'.format(self.modname), # # 'self.global_namespace = {}'.format(self.global_namespace.keys()), # ] # lines += ['Failed doctest in ' + self.callname] if self.exc_info is None: return [] ex_type, ex_value, tb = self.exc_info # Failure line offset wrt the doctest (starts from 0) fail_offset = self.failed_line_offset() # Failure line number wrt the entire file (starts from 1) fail_lineno = self.failed_lineno() lines = [ '* REASON: {}'.format(ex_type.__name__), self._color(self._block_prefix + ' DEBUG INFO', 'white'), ' XDoc "{}", line {}'.format(self.node, fail_offset + 1) + self._color(' <- wrt doctest', 'red'), ] colored = self.config['colored'] if fail_lineno is not None: fpath = self.UNKNOWN_FPATH if self.fpath is None else self.fpath lines += [' File "{}", line {},'.format(fpath, fail_lineno) + self._color(' <- wrt source file', 'red')] # lines += [' in doctest "{}", line {}'.format(self.unique_callname, # fail_offset + 1) + # self._color(' <- relative line number in the docstest', 'red')] # source_text = self.format_src(colored=colored, linenos=True, # want=False) # source_text = utils.indent(source_text) # lines += source_text.splitlines() def r1_strip_nl(text): if text is None: return None return text[:-1] if text.endswith('\n') else text # if self.logged_stdout: # lines += ['stdout results:'] # lines += [r1_strip_nl(t) for t in self.logged_stdout.values() if t] textgen = self.format_parts(colored=colored, linenos=True, want=False) n_digits = 1 # Logic to break output between pass, failed, and unexecuted parts before_part_lines = [] fail_part_lines = [] after_parts_lines = [] temp = [before_part_lines, fail_part_lines, after_parts_lines] tindex = 0 indent_text = ' ' * (5 + n_digits) for partx, (part, part_text) in enumerate(zip(self._parts, textgen)): if part in self._skipped_parts: # temp[tindex] += [utils.indent(part_text, ' ' * 4)] # temp[tindex] += [utils.indent(' >>> # skipped', indent_text)] continue part_out = r1_strip_nl(self.logged_stdout.get(partx, '')) if part is self.failed_part: tindex += 1 # Append the part source code temp[tindex] += [utils.indent(part_text, ' ' * 4)] # Append the part stdout (if it exists) if part_out: temp[tindex] += [utils.indent(part_out, indent_text)] if part is self.failed_part: tindex += 1 # part_eval = self.logged_evals[partx] # if part_eval is not NOT_EVALED: # temp[tindex] += [repr(part_eval)] lines += [self._color(self._block_prefix + ' PART BREAKDOWN', 'white')] if before_part_lines: lines += ['Passed Parts:'] lines += before_part_lines if fail_part_lines: lines += ['Failed Part:'] lines += fail_part_lines if after_parts_lines: lines += ['Remaining Parts:'] lines += after_parts_lines lines += [self._color(self._block_prefix + ' TRACEBACK', 'white')] if hasattr(ex_value, 'output_difference'): lines += [ ex_value.output_difference(self._runstate, colored=colored), ex_value.output_repr_difference(self._runstate) ] else: if with_tb: # TODO: enhance formatting to show an IPython-like output of # where the error occurred in the doctest tblines = traceback.format_exception(*self.exc_info) def _alter_traceback_linenos(self, tblines): def overwrite_lineno(linepart): # Replace the trailing part which is the lineno old_linestr = linepart[-1] # noqa # This is the lineno we will insert rel_lineno = self.failed_part.line_offset + tb_lineno abs_lineno = self.lineno + rel_lineno - 1 new_linestr = 'rel: {rel}, abs: {abs}'.format( rel=rel_lineno, abs=abs_lineno, ) linepart = linepart[:-1] + [new_linestr] return linepart new_tblines = [] for i, line in enumerate(tblines): # if '<frozen importlib._bootstrap' in line: # # not sure if this should be removed or not # continue if 0: # Not a robust acheck if 'xdoctest/xdoctest/doctest_example' in line: # hack, remove ourselves from the tracback continue # new_tblines.append('!!!!!') # raise Exception('foo') # continue if self._partfilename is not None and self._partfilename in line: # Intercept the line corresponding to the doctest tbparts = line.split(',') tb_lineno = int(tbparts[-2].strip().split()[1]) # modify the line number to match the doctest linepart = tbparts[-2].split(' ') linepart = overwrite_lineno(linepart) tbparts[-2] = ' '.join(linepart) new_line = ','.join(tbparts) # failed_ctx = '>>> ' + self.failed_part.exec_lines[tb_lineno - 1] failed_ctx = self.failed_part.orig_lines[tb_lineno - 1] extra = ' ' + failed_ctx line = (new_line + extra + '\n') # m = '(t{})'.format(i) # line = m + line.replace('\n', '\n' + m) new_tblines.append(line) return new_tblines new_tblines = _alter_traceback_linenos(self, tblines) # new_tblines = tblines if colored: tbtext = '\n'.join(new_tblines) tbtext = utils.highlight_code(tbtext, lexer_name='pytb', stripall=True) new_tblines = tbtext.splitlines() lines += new_tblines lines += [self._color(self._block_prefix + ' REPRODUCTION', 'white')] lines += ['CommandLine:'] lines += [' ' + self.cmdline] return lines
def _print_captured(self): out_text = ''.join([v for v in self.logged_stdout.values() if v]) if out_text is not None: assert isinstance(out_text, str), 'do not use bytes' try: print(out_text) except UnicodeEncodeError: print('Weird travis bug') print('type(out_text) = %r' % (type(out_text),)) print('out_text = %r' % (out_text,)) def _color(self, text, color, enabled=None): """ conditionally color text based on config and flags """ colored = self.config.getvalue('colored', enabled) if colored: text = utils.color_text(text, color) return text def _post_run(self, verbose): """ Returns: Dict : summary """ # print('POST RUN verbose = {!r}'.format(verbose)) skipped = len(self._skipped_parts) == len(self._parts) failed = self.exc_info is not None passed = not failed and not skipped summary = { 'exc_info': self.exc_info, 'passed': passed, 'skipped': skipped, 'failed': failed, } if verbose >= 2: print(self._color(self._block_prefix + ' RESULT', 'white')) if self.exc_info is None: if verbose >= 1: if verbose >= 2: if self._suppressed_stdout: self._print_captured() if skipped: success = self._color('SKIPPED', 'yellow') else: success = self._color('SUCCESS', 'green') print('* {}: {}'.format(success, self.node)) else: if verbose >= 1: failure = self._color('FAILURE', 'red') print('* {}: {}'.format(failure, self.node)) if verbose >= 2: lines = self.repr_failure() text = '\n'.join(lines) print(text) if verbose >= 2: barrier = self._color('====== </exec> ======', 'white') print(barrier) return summary
def _traverse_traceback(tb): # Lives down here to avoid issue calling exec in a function that contains a # nested function with free variable. Not sure how necessary this is # because this doesn't have free variables. sub_tb = tb yield sub_tb while sub_tb.tb_next is not None: sub_tb = sub_tb.tb_next yield sub_tb if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.doctest_example """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)