Source code for xdoctest.parser

The XDoctest Parser
This parses a docstring into one or more "doctest part" *after* the docstrings
have been extracted from the source code by either static or dynamic means.

Terms and definitions:

    logical block:
        a snippet of code that can be executed by itself if given the correct
        global / local variable context.

        The original meaning is "Prompt String 1". For details see:
        [SE32096]_ [BashPS1]_ [CustomPrompt]_ [GeekPrompt]_.  In the context of
        xdoctest, instead of referring to the prompt prefix, we use PS1 to
        refer to a line that starts a "logical block" of code. In the original
        doctest module these all had to be prefixed with ">>>". In xdoctest the
        prefix is used to simply denote the code is part of a doctest. It does
        not necessarily mean a new "logical block" is starting.

        The original meaning is "Prompt String 2". In the context of xdoctest,
        instead of referring to the prompt prefix, we use PS2 to refer to a
        line that continues a "logical block" of code. In the original doctest
        module these all had to be prefixed with "...". However, xdoctest uses
        parsing to automatically determine this.

    want statement:
        Lines directly after a logical block of code in a doctest indicating
        the desired result of executing the previous block.

While I do believe this AST-based code is a significant improvement over the
RE-based builtin doctest parser, I acknowledge that I'm not an AST expert and
there is room for improvement here.

    .. [SE32096]
    .. [BashPS1]
    .. [CustomPrompt]
    .. [GeekPrompt]
import ast
import sys
import re
import tokenize
from xdoctest import utils
from xdoctest import directive
from xdoctest import exceptions
from xdoctest import doctest_part
from xdoctest import static_analysis as static
from xdoctest import global_state

INDENT_RE = re.compile(r'^([ ]*)(?=\S)', re.MULTILINE)

# This issue was resolved in 3.8
NEED_16806_WORKAROUND = sys.version_info[0:2] < (3, 8)

[docs] class DoctestParser(object): r""" Breaks docstrings into parts using the `parse` method. Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * # NOQA >>> parser = DoctestParser() >>> doctest_parts = parser.parse( >>> ''' >>> >>> j = 0 >>> >>> for i in range(10): >>> >>> j += 1 >>> >>> print(j) >>> 10 >>> '''.lstrip('\n')) >>> print('\n'.join(list(map(str, doctest_parts)))) <DoctestPart(ln 0, src="j = 0...", want=None)> <DoctestPart(ln 3, src="print(j)...", want="10...")> Example: >>> # Having multiline strings in doctests can be nice >>> string = utils.codeblock( ''' >>> name = 'name' 'anything' ''') >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> doctest_parts = self.parse(string) >>> print('\n'.join(list(map(str, doctest_parts)))) """ def __init__(self, simulate_repl=False): """ Args: simulate_repl (bool): if True each line will be treated as its own doctest. This more closely mimics the original doctest module. Defaults to False. """ self.simulate_repl = simulate_repl
[docs] def parse(self, string, info=None): """ Divide the given string into examples and interleaving text. Args: string (str): string representing the doctest info (dict | None): info about where the string came from in case of an error Returns: List[xdoctest.doctest_part.DoctestPart]: a list of `DoctestPart` objects CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.parser DoctestParser.parse Example: >>> s = 'I am a dummy example with two parts' >>> x = 10 >>> print(s) I am a dummy example with two parts >>> s = 'My purpose it so demonstrate how wants work here' >>> print('The new want applies ONLY to stdout') >>> print('given before the last want') >>> ''' this wont hurt the test at all even though its multiline ''' >>> y = 20 The new want applies ONLY to stdout given before the last want >>> # Parts from previous examples are executed in the same context >>> print(x + y) 30 this is simply text, and doesnt apply to the previous doctest the <BLANKLINE> directive is still in effect. Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * # NOQA >>> from xdoctest import parser >>> from xdoctest.docstr import docscrape_google >>> from xdoctest import core >>> self = parser.DoctestParser() >>> docstr = self.parse.__doc__ >>> blocks = docscrape_google.split_google_docblocks(docstr) >>> doclineno = self.parse.__func__.__code__.co_firstlineno >>> key, (string, offset) = blocks[-2] >>> self._label_docsrc_lines(string) >>> doctest_parts = self.parse(string) >>> # each part with a want-string needs to be broken in two >>> assert len(doctest_parts) == 6 >>> len(doctest_parts) """ if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print('\n===== PARSE ====') if sys.version_info.major == 2: # nocover string = utils.ensure_unicode(string) if not isinstance(string, str): raise TypeError('Expected string but got {!r}'.format(string)) string = string.expandtabs() # If all lines begin with the same indentation, then strip it. min_indent = _min_indentation(string) if min_indent > 0: string = '\n'.join([ln[min_indent:] for ln in string.splitlines()]) labeled_lines = None grouped_lines = None all_parts = None try: labeled_lines = self._label_docsrc_lines(string) grouped_lines = self._group_labeled_lines(labeled_lines) all_parts = list(self._package_groups(grouped_lines)) except Exception as orig_ex: if labeled_lines is None: failpoint = '_label_docsrc_lines' elif grouped_lines is None: failpoint = '_group_labeled_lines' elif all_parts is None: failpoint = '_package_groups' if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER: print('<FAILPOINT>') print('!!! FAILED !!!') print('failpoint = {!r}'.format(failpoint)) import ubelt as ub import traceback tb_text = traceback.format_exc() tb_text = ub.highlight_code(tb_text) tb_text = ub.indent(tb_text) print(tb_text) print('Failed to parse string = <{[<{[<{[ # xdoc debug') print(string) print(']}>]}>]}> # xdoc debug end string') print('info = {}'.format(ub.repr2(info))) print('-----') print('orig_ex = {}'.format(orig_ex)) print('labeled_lines = {}'.format(ub.repr2(labeled_lines))) print('grouped_lines = {}'.format(ub.repr2(grouped_lines, nl=3))) print('all_parts = {}'.format(ub.repr2(all_parts))) print('</FAILPOINT>') # sys.exit(1) raise exceptions.DoctestParseError( 'Failed to parse doctest in {}'.format(failpoint), string=string, info=info, orig_ex=orig_ex) if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print('\n===== FINISHED PARSE ====') return all_parts
def _package_groups(self, grouped_lines): if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: import ubelt as ub print('<PACKAGE LABEL GROUPS>') print('grouped_lines = {}'.format(ub.repr2(grouped_lines, nl=2))) lineno = 0 for chunk in grouped_lines: if isinstance(chunk, tuple): slines, wlines = chunk for example in self._package_chunk(slines, wlines, lineno): yield example lineno += len(slines) + len(wlines) else: text_part = '\n'.join(chunk) yield text_part lineno += len(chunk) if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print('</PACKAGE LABEL GROUPS>') def _package_chunk(self, raw_source_lines, raw_want_lines, lineno=0): """ if `self.simulate_repl` is True, then each statement is broken into its own part. Otherwise, statements are grouped by the closest `want` statement. TODO: - [ ] EXCEPT IN CASES OF EXPLICIT CONTINUATION Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * >>> raw_source_lines = ['>>> "string"'] >>> raw_want_lines = ['string'] >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> part, = self._package_chunk(raw_source_lines, raw_want_lines) >>> part.source '"string"' >>> part.want 'string' """ if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print('<PACKAGE CHUNK>') match =[0]) line_indent = 0 if match is None else (match.end() - match.start()) source_lines = [p[line_indent:] for p in raw_source_lines] want_lines = [p[line_indent:] for p in raw_want_lines] # TODO: # - [ ] Fix pytorch indentation issue here exec_source_lines = [p[4:] for p in source_lines] if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print(' * locate ps1 lines') # Find the line number of each standalone statement ps1_linenos, mode_hint = self._locate_ps1_linenos(source_lines) if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print('mode_hint = {!r}'.format(mode_hint)) print(' * located ps1 lines') print(f'ps1_linenos={ps1_linenos}') # Find all directives here: # A directive necessarily will split a doctest into multiple parts # There are two types: block directives and inline-directives # * Block directives must exist on their own PS1 line # * Block directives insert a breakpoint before # * Inline directives may be on a PS1 or PS2 line # * Inline directives inserts a breakpoint before and after # First find block directives which must exist on there own PS1 line break_linenos = [] ps1_to_directive = {} for s1, s2 in zip(ps1_linenos, ps1_linenos[1:] + [None]): lines = exec_source_lines[s1:s2] directives = list(directive.Directive.extract('\n'.join(lines))) if directives: ps1_to_directive[s1] = directives break_linenos.append(s1) if directives[0].inline: if s2 is not None: break_linenos.append(s2) if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 3: print(f'break_linenos={break_linenos}') def slice_example(s1, s2, want_lines=None): exec_lines = exec_source_lines[s1:s2] orig_lines = source_lines[s1:s2] directives = ps1_to_directive.get(s1, None) example = doctest_part.DoctestPart(exec_lines, want_lines=want_lines, orig_lines=orig_lines, line_offset=lineno + s1, directives=directives) return example s1 = 0 s2 = 0 if self.simulate_repl: # Break down first parts which dont have any want for s1, s2 in zip(ps1_linenos, ps1_linenos[1:]): example = slice_example(s1, s2) yield example s1 = s2 else: if break_linenos: break_linenos = sorted(set([0] + break_linenos)) # directives are forcing us to further breakup the parts for s1, s2 in zip(break_linenos, break_linenos[1:]): example = slice_example(s1, s2) yield example s1 = s2 if want_lines and mode_hint in {'eval', 'single'}: # Whenever the evaluation of the final line needs to be tested # against want, that line must be separated into its own part. # We break the last line off so we can eval its value, but keep # previous groupings. s2 = ps1_linenos[-1] if s2 != s1: # make sure the last line is not the only line example = slice_example(s1, s2) yield example s1 = s2 s2 = None example = slice_example(s1, s2, want_lines) # if mode_hint is False: # mode_hint = 'exec' # if mode_hint is True: # mode_hint = 'eval' if not bool(want_lines): example.compile_mode = 'exec' else: assert mode_hint in {'eval', 'exec', 'single'} example.compile_mode = mode_hint if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print('example.compile_mode = {!r}'.format(example.compile_mode)) print('<YIELD CHUNK>') yield example def _group_labeled_lines(self, labeled_lines): """ Group labeled lines into logical parts to be executed together Returns: List[List[str] | Tuple[List[str], str]]: A list of parts. Text parts are just returned as a list of lines. Executable parts are returned as a tuple of source lines and an optional "want" statement. """ if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: print('<GROUP LABEL LINES>') # Now that lines have types, groups them. This could have done this # above, but functionality is split for readability. prev_source = None grouped_lines = [] # WORKON_BACKWARDS_COMPAT_CONTINUE_EVAL # Break up explicit continuations for backwards compat groups = [] current = [] state = None if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 4: print('labeled_lines = {!r}'.format(labeled_lines)) # Need to ensure that old-style continuations with want statements are # placed in their own group, so they can be executed as "single". for left, mid, right in _iterthree(labeled_lines, pad_value=(None, None)): if left[0] != mid[0] or (mid[0] == 'dsrc' and right[0] == 'dcnt'): if not (left[0] == 'dsrc' and mid[0] == 'dcnt'): # Start a new group if state is not None: groups.append((state, current)) state = mid[0] current = [] current.append(mid) if current: groups.append((state, current)) if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 4: print('groups = {!r}'.format(groups)) # need to merge consecutive dsrc groups without want statements merged_groups = [] current = [] state = None for left, mid, right in _iterthree(groups, pad_value=(None, None)): # Merge consecutive groups unless it is followed by a want if left[0] == mid[0] and right[0] != 'want': # extend the previous group current.extend(mid[1]) else: # start a new group if state is not None: merged_groups.append((left[0], current)) state = mid[0] current = [] current.extend(mid[1]) if current: merged_groups.append((state, current)) # More iterating and grouping. This section needs a careful rewrite prev_source = None grouped_lines = [] for state, group in merged_groups: block = [t[1] for t in group] if state == 'text': if prev_source is not None: # accept a source block without a want block grouped_lines.append((prev_source, '')) prev_source = None # accept the text grouped_lines.append(block) elif state == 'want': assert prev_source is not None, 'impossible' grouped_lines.append((prev_source, block)) prev_source = None elif state in {'dsrc', 'dcnt'}: if prev_source is not None: # accept a source block without a want block grouped_lines.append((prev_source, '')) prev_source = None # need to check if there is a want after us prev_source = block # Case where last block is source if prev_source: grouped_lines.append((prev_source, '')) if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: # nocover print('</GROUP LABEL LINES>') return grouped_lines def _locate_ps1_linenos(self, source_lines): """ Determines which lines in the source begin a "logical block" of code. Args: source_lines (List[str]): lines belonging only to the doctest src these will be unindented, prefixed, and without any want. Returns: Tuple[List[int], bool]: linenos is the first value a list of indices indicating which lines are considered "PS1" and mode_hint, the second value, is a flag indicating if the final line should be considered for a got/want assertion. Example: >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> source_lines = ['>>> def foo():', '>>> return 0', '>>> 3'] >>> linenos, mode_hint = self._locate_ps1_linenos(source_lines) >>> assert linenos == [0, 2] >>> assert mode_hint == 'eval' Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * # NOQA >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> source_lines = ['>>> x = [1, 2, ', '>>> 3, 4]', '>>> print(len(x))'] >>> linenos, mode_hint = self._locate_ps1_linenos(source_lines) >>> assert linenos == [0, 2] >>> assert mode_hint == 'eval' Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * # NOQA >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> source_lines = [ >>> '>>> x = 1', >>> '>>> try: raise Exception', >>> '>>> except Exception: pass', >>> '...', >>> ] >>> linenos, mode_hint = self._locate_ps1_linenos(source_lines) >>> assert linenos == [0, 1] >>> assert mode_hint == 'exec' Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * # NOQA >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> source_lines = [ >>> '>>> import os; print(os)', >>> '...', >>> ] >>> linenos, mode_hint = self._locate_ps1_linenos(source_lines) >>> assert linenos == [0] >>> assert mode_hint == 'single' Example: >>> # We should ensure that decorators are PS1 lines >>> from xdoctest.parser import * # NOQA >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> source_lines = [ >>> '>>> # foo', >>> '>>> @foo', >>> '... def bar():', >>> '... ...', >>> ] >>> linenos, mode_hint = self._locate_ps1_linenos(source_lines) >>> print(f'linenos={linenos}') >>> assert linenos == [0, 1] """ # Strip indentation (and PS1 / PS2 from source) exec_source_lines = [p[4:] for p in source_lines] def _hack_comment_statements(lines): # Hack to make comments appear like executable statements # note, this hack never leaves this function because we only are # returning line numbers. # FIXME: there is probably a better way to do this. def balanced_intervals(lines): """ Finds intervals of balanced nesting syntax Args: lines (List[str]): lines of source code """ intervals = [] a = len(lines) - 1 b = len(lines) while b > 0: # move the head pointer up until we become balanced while not static.is_balanced_statement(lines[a:b], only_tokens=True) and a >= 0: a -= 1 if a < 0: raise exceptions.IncompleteParseError( 'ill-formed doctest: cannot find balanced ps1 lines.') # we found a balanced interval intervals.append((a, b)) b = a a = a - 1 intervals = intervals[::-1] return intervals intervals = balanced_intervals(lines) interval_starts = {t[0] for t in intervals} for i, line in enumerate(lines): if i in interval_starts and line.startswith('#'): # Replace any comment that is not within an interval with a # statement, so ast.parse will record its line number yield '_._ = None' else: yield line exec_source_lines = list(_hack_comment_statements(exec_source_lines)) source_block = '\n'.join(exec_source_lines) try: pt = static.six_axt_parse(source_block) except SyntaxError as syn_ex: # Assign missing information to the syntax error. if syn_ex.text is None: if syn_ex.lineno is not None: # Grab the line where the error occurs # (why is this not populated in SyntaxError by default?) # (because filename does not point to a valid loc) line = source_block.split('\n')[syn_ex.lineno - 1] syn_ex.text = line + '\n' raise syn_ex # print(ast.dump(pt)) # print('pt = {!r}'.format(pt)) statement_nodes = pt.body ps1_linenos = [node.lineno - 1 for node in statement_nodes] if 1: # Get PS1 line numbers of statements accounting for decorators ps1_linenos = [] for node in statement_nodes: if hasattr(node, 'decorator_list') and node.decorator_list: lineno = node.decorator_list[0].lineno - 1 else: lineno = node.lineno - 1 ps1_linenos.append(lineno) # NEED_16806_WORKAROUND = 1 if NEED_16806_WORKAROUND: # pragma: nobranch ps1_linenos = self._workaround_16806( ps1_linenos, exec_source_lines) # Respect any line explicitly defined as PS2 (via its prefix) ps2_linenos = { x for x, p in enumerate(source_lines) if p[:4] != '>>> ' } ps1_linenos = sorted(set(ps1_linenos).difference(ps2_linenos)) # There are 3 ways to compile python code # exec, eval, and single. # We almost always want to exec, but if we want to match the return # value of the function, we will need to run it in eval or single mode. mode_hint = 'exec' if len(statement_nodes) == 0: mode_hint = 'exec' else: # Is the last statement evaluate-able? if isinstance(statement_nodes[-1], ast.Expr): # This should just be an Expr in python3 # (todo: ensure this is true) mode_hint = 'eval' # WORKON_BACKWARDS_COMPAT_CONTINUE_EVAL: # Force doctests parts to evaluate in backwards compatible "single" # mode when using old style doctest syntax. if len(source_lines) > 1: if source_lines[0].startswith('>>> '): if all(_hasprefix(s, ('...',)) for s in source_lines[1:]): mode_hint = 'single' if mode_hint == 'eval': # Also check the tokens in the source lines to look for semicolons # to fix #108 # Only iterate through non-empty lines otherwise tokenize will stop short # TODO: we probably could just save the tokens if we got them earlier? iterable = (line for line in exec_source_lines if line) def _readline(): return next(iterable) # We cannot eval a statement with a semicolon in it # Single should work. if any(t.type == tokenize.OP and t.string == ';' for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(_readline)): mode_hint = 'single' return ps1_linenos, mode_hint @staticmethod def _workaround_16806(ps1_linenos, exec_source_lines): """ workaround for python issue 16806 ( This issue causes the AST to report line numbers for multiline strings as the line they end on. The correct behavior is to report the line they start on. Given a list of line numbers and the original source code, this workaround fixes any line number that points from the end of a multiline string to point to the start of it instead. Args: ps1_linenos (List[int]): AST provided line numbers that begin statements and may be Python Issue #16806. exec_source_lines (List[str]): code referenced by ps1_linenos Returns: List[int]: new_ps1_lines Fixed `ps1_linenos` where multiline strings now point to the line where they begin. Note: A patch for this issue exists `<>`_. This workaround is a idempotent (i.e. a no-op) when line numbers are correct, so nothing should break when this bug is fixed. Starting from the end look at consecutive pairs of indices to inspect the statement it corresponds to. (the first statement goes from ps1_linenos[-1] to the end of the line list. Example: >>> ps1_linenos = [0, 2, 3] >>> exec_source_lines = ["x = 1", "y = '''foo", " bar'''", "pass"] >>> DoctestParser._workaround_16806(ps1_linenos, exec_source_lines) [0, 1, 3] """ new_ps1_lines = [] b = len(exec_source_lines) for a in ps1_linenos[::-1]: # the position of `b` is correct, but `a` may be wrong # is_balanced_statement will be False iff `a` is wrong. while not static.is_balanced_statement(exec_source_lines[a:b], only_tokens=True): # shift `a` down until it becomes correct a -= 1 # push the new correct value back into the list new_ps1_lines.append(a) # set the end position of the next string to be `a` , note, because # this `a` is correct, the next `b` is must also be correct. b = a return new_ps1_lines[::-1] def _label_docsrc_lines(self, string): """ Give each line in the docstring a label so we can distinguish what parts are text, what parts are code, and what parts are "want" string. Args: string (str): doctest source Returns: List[Tuple[str, str]]: labeled_lines - the above source broken up by lines, each with a label indicating its type for later use in parsing. TODO: - [ ] Sphinx does not parse this doctest properly Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * >>> # Having multiline strings in doctests can be nice >>> string = utils.codeblock( ''' text >>> items = ['also', 'nice', 'to', 'not', 'worry', >>> 'about', '...', 'vs', '>>>'] ... print('but its still allowed') but its still allowed more text ''') >>> self = DoctestParser() >>> labeled = self._label_docsrc_lines(string) >>> expected = [ >>> ('text', 'text'), >>> ('dsrc', ">>> items = ['also', 'nice', 'to', 'not', 'worry',"), >>> ('dsrc', ">>> 'about', '...', 'vs', '>>>']"), >>> ('dcnt', "... print('but its still allowed')"), >>> ('want', 'but its still allowed'), >>> ('text', ''), >>> ('text', 'more text') >>> ] >>> assert labeled == expected """ # parse and differentiate between doctest source and want statements. labeled_lines = [] state_indent = 0 # line states TEXT = 'text' DSRC = 'dsrc' DCNT = 'dcnt' # explicit continuation **new in 0.10.0** WANT = 'want' # Move through states, keeping track of points where states change # text -> [text, dsrc] # dsrc -> [dsrc, dcnt, want, text] # dcnt -> [dsrc, dcnt, want, text] # want -> [want, text, dsrc] prev_state = TEXT curr_state = None line_iter = enumerate(string.splitlines()) for line_idx, line in line_iter: match = line_indent = 0 if match is None else (match.end() - match.start()) if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER: # nocover print('Next line {}: {}'.format(line_idx, line)) print('state_indent = {!r}'.format(state_indent)) print('match = {!r}'.format(match)) print('line_indent = {!r}'.format(line_indent)) norm_line = line[state_indent:] # Normalize line indentation strip_line = line.strip() # Check prev_state transitions if prev_state == TEXT: # text transitions to source whenever a PS1 line is encountered # the PS1(>>>) can be at an arbitrary indentation if _hasprefix(strip_line, ('>>>',)): curr_state = DSRC else: curr_state = TEXT elif prev_state == WANT: # blank lines terminate wants if len(strip_line) == 0: curr_state = TEXT # source-inconsistent indentation terminates want elif _hasprefix(line.strip(), ('>>>',)): curr_state = DSRC elif line_indent < state_indent: curr_state = TEXT else: curr_state = WANT elif prev_state in {DSRC, DCNT}: # pragma: nobranch if len(strip_line) == 0 or line_indent < state_indent: curr_state = TEXT # allow source to continue with either PS1 or PS2 elif _hasprefix(norm_line, ('>>>', '...')): if strip_line == '...': # TODO: add mechanism for checking next line. # if the next line is also a continuation # then dont treat this as an ellipses if prev_state == DCNT: # Hack to fix continuation issue curr_state = DCNT else: curr_state = WANT else: if _hasprefix(norm_line, ('...',)): curr_state = DCNT else: curr_state = DSRC else: curr_state = WANT else: # nocover # This should never happen raise AssertionError('Unknown state prev_state={}'.format( prev_state)) # Handle transitions if prev_state != curr_state: # Handle start of new states if curr_state == TEXT: state_indent = 0 if curr_state in {DSRC, DCNT}: # Start a new source state_indent = line_indent # renormalize line when indentation changes norm_line = line[state_indent:] # continue current state if curr_state in {DSRC, DCNT}: # source parts may consume more than one line try: if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER: # nocover print('completing source') for part, norm_line in _complete_source(line, state_indent, line_iter): if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 4: # nocover print('Append Completion Line:') print('part = {!r}'.format(part)) print('norm_line = {!r}'.format(norm_line)) print('curr_state = {!r}'.format(curr_state)) if _hasprefix(norm_line, ('...',)): curr_state = DCNT labeled_lines.append((curr_state, part)) except exceptions.IncompleteParseError: raise except SyntaxError: if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER: # nocover print('<LABEL FAIL>') # print('next(line_iter) = {!r}'.format(line_iter)) print('state_indent = {!r}'.format(state_indent)) print('line = {!r}'.format(line)) print('Failed to label source lines') print('Labeled lines so far: <[[[[[[[[[[') for line in labeled_lines: print(line) print(']]]]]]]]]]>') print('</LABEL FAIL>') raise elif curr_state == WANT: labeled_lines.append((curr_state, line)) elif curr_state == TEXT: labeled_lines.append((curr_state, line)) prev_state = curr_state if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: # nocover import ubelt as ub # if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 3: # print('string = {!r}'.format(string)) print('<FINISH LABELED LINES') print('labeled_lines = {}'.format(ub.repr2(labeled_lines, nl=1))) print('</FINISH LABELED LINES>') return labeled_lines
def _min_indentation(s): "Return the minimum indentation of any non-blank line in `s`" indents = [len(indent) for indent in INDENT_RE.findall(s)] if len(indents) > 0: return min(indents) else: return 0 def _complete_source(line, state_indent, line_iter): """ helper remove lines from the iterator if they are needed to complete source This uses :func:`static.is_balanced_statement` to do the heavy lifting Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * # NOQA >>> from xdoctest.parser import _complete_source >>> state_indent = 0 >>> line = '>>> x = { # The line is not finished' >>> remain_lines = ['>>> 1:2,', '>>> 3:4,', '>>> 5:6}', '>>> y = 7'] >>> line_iter = enumerate(remain_lines, start=1) >>> finished = list(_complete_source(line, state_indent, line_iter)) >>> final = chr(10).join([t[1] for t in finished]) >>> print(final) """ norm_line = line[state_indent:] # Normalize line indentation prefix = norm_line[:4] suffix = norm_line[4:] assert prefix.strip() in {'>>>', '...'}, ( 'unexpected prefix: {!r}'.format(prefix)) yield line, norm_line source_parts = [suffix] # These hacks actually modify the input doctest slightly HACK_TRIPLE_QUOTE_FIX = True try: while not static.is_balanced_statement(source_parts, only_tokens=True): line_idx, next_line = next(line_iter) norm_line = next_line[state_indent:] prefix = norm_line[:4] suffix = norm_line[4:] if prefix.strip() not in {'>>>', '...', ''}: # nocover error = True if HACK_TRIPLE_QUOTE_FIX: # TODO: make a more robust patch if any("'''" in s or '"""' in s for s in source_parts): # print('HACK FIXING TRIPLE QUOTE') next_line = next_line[:state_indent] + '... ' + norm_line norm_line = '... ' + norm_line prefix = '' suffix = norm_line error = False if error: if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER: print(' * !!!ERROR!!!') print(' * source_parts = {!r}'.format(source_parts)) print(' * prefix = {!r}'.format(prefix)) print(' * norm_line = {!r}'.format(norm_line)) print(' * !!!!!!!!!!!!!') raise SyntaxError( 'Bad indentation in doctest on line {}: {!r}'.format( line_idx, next_line)) source_parts.append(suffix) yield next_line, norm_line except StopIteration: if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER: import ubelt as ub print('<FAIL DID NOT COMPLETE SOURCE>') import traceback tb_text = traceback.format_exc() tb_text = ub.highlight_code(tb_text) tb_text = ub.indent(tb_text) print(tb_text) # print(' * line_iter = {!r}'.format(line_iter)) print(' * state_indent = {!r}'.format(state_indent)) print(' * line = {!r}'.format(line)) # print('source =\n{}'.format('\n'.join(source_parts))) print('# Ensure that the following line should actually fail') print('source_parts = {}'.format(ub.repr2(source_parts, nl=2))) print(ub.codeblock( r''' from xdoctest import static_analysis as static static.is_balanced_statement(source_parts, only_tokens=False) static.is_balanced_statement(source_parts, only_tokens=True) text = '\n'.join(source_parts) print(text) static.six_axt_parse(text) ''')) print('</FAIL DID NOT COMPLETE SOURCE>') # sys.exit(1) # TODO: use AST to reparse all doctest parts to discover where the # syntax error in the doctest is and then raise it. raise exceptions.IncompleteParseError( 'ill-formed doctest: all parts have been processed ' 'but the doctest source is not balanced') else: if global_state.DEBUG_PARSER > 1: import ubelt as ub print('<SUCCESS COMPLETED SOURCE>') # print(' * line_iter = {!r}'.format(line_iter)) print('source_parts = {}'.format(ub.repr2(source_parts, nl=2))) print('</SUCCESS COMPLETED SOURCE>') def _iterthree(items, pad_value=None): """ Iterate over a sliding window of size 3 with None padding on both sides. Example: >>> from xdoctest.parser import * >>> print(list(_iterthree([]))) >>> print(list(_iterthree(range(1)))) >>> print(list(_iterthree([1, 2]))) >>> print(list(_iterthree([1, 2, 3]))) >>> print(list(_iterthree(range(4)))) >>> print(list(_iterthree(range(7)))) """ # Initialize the return window to pad values left = mid = right = pad_value # Create an iterator item_iter = iter(items) # Check the first item, if we dont have it, then dont return anything try: mid = next(item_iter) except StopIteration: return else: # Check the second item, if we dont have it, we have to return # the values we've seen so far. try: right = next(item_iter) except StopIteration: yield left, mid, right return else: # If we have both mid and right, then yield both yield left, mid, right left, mid = mid, right # If there is still data for right in item_iter: yield left, mid, right left, mid = mid, right right = pad_value yield left, mid, right def _hasprefix(line, prefixes): """ helper prefix test """ # if not isinstance(prefixes, tuple): # prefixes = [prefixes] return any(line == p or line.startswith(p + ' ') for p in prefixes) if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.core python -m xdoctest.parser all """ import xdoctest as xdoc xdoc.doctest_module()