Source code for xdoctest.static_analysis

The core logic that allows for xdoctest to parse source statically
import sys
from os.path import exists
from os.path import isfile
from os.path import join
from os.path import splitext
import os
import ast
import re
from collections import deque, OrderedDict
from xdoctest import utils

from xdoctest.utils.util_import import _platform_pylib_exts # NOQA
from xdoctest.utils.util_import import (  # NOQA
    split_modpath, modname_to_modpath, is_modname_importable,

import platform
PLAT_IMPL = platform.python_implementation()

IS_PY_GE_308 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 8
IS_PY_GE_312 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 12

if IS_PY_GE_312:
    from xdoctest import _tokenize as tokenize
    import tokenize

[docs] class CallDefNode(object): """ Attributes: lineno_end (None | int): the line number the docstring ends on (if known) """ def __init__(self, callname, lineno, docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end, args=None): """ Args: callname (str): the name of the item containing the docstring. lineno (int): the line number the item containing the docstring. docstr (str): the docstring itself doclineno (int): the line number (1 based) the docstring begins on doclineno_end (int): the line number (1 based) the docstring ends on args (None | ast.arguments): arguments from static analysis :class:`TopLevelVisitor`. """ self.callname = callname self.lineno = lineno self.docstr = docstr self.doclineno = doclineno self.doclineno_end = doclineno_end self.lineno_end = None self.args = args def __str__(self): """ Returns: str """ return '{}[{}:{}][{}]'.format( self.callname, self.lineno, self.lineno_end, self.doclineno)
[docs] class TopLevelVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): """ Parses top-level function names and docstrings For other ``visit_<classname>`` values see [MeetTheNodes]_. References: .. [MeetTheNodes] CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.static_analysis TopLevelVisitor Attributes: calldefs (OrderedDict): source (None | str): sourcelines (None | List[str]): assignments (list): Example: >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import * # NOQA >>> from xdoctest import utils >>> source = utils.codeblock( ''' def foo(): \"\"\" my docstring \"\"\" def subfunc(): pass def bar(): pass class Spam(object): def eggs(self): pass @staticmethod def hams(): pass @property def jams(self): return 3 @jams.setter def jams2(self, x): print('ignoring') @jams.deleter def jams(self, x): print('ignoring') ''') >>> self = TopLevelVisitor.parse(source) >>> callnames = set(self.calldefs.keys()) >>> assert callnames == { >>> 'foo', 'bar', 'Spam', 'Spam.eggs', 'Spam.hams', >>> 'Spam.jams'} >>> assert self.calldefs['foo'].docstr.strip() == 'my docstring' >>> assert 'subfunc' not in self.calldefs """
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, source): """ main entry point executes parsing algorithm and populates self.calldefs Args: source (str): """ self = cls(source) pt = self.syntax_tree() self.visit(pt) lineno_end = source.count('\n') + 2 # one indexing self.process_finished(lineno_end) return self
def __init__(self, source=None): """ Args: source (None | str): """ super(TopLevelVisitor, self).__init__() self.calldefs = OrderedDict() self.source = source self.sourcelines = None self._current_classname = None # Keep track of when we leave a top level definition self._finish_queue = deque() # new self.assignments = []
[docs] def syntax_tree(self): """ creates the abstract syntax tree Returns: ast.Module: """ self.sourcelines = self.source.splitlines() source_utf8 = self.source.encode('utf8') pt = ast.parse(source_utf8) return pt
[docs] def process_finished(self, node): """ process (get ending lineno) for everything marked as finished Args: node (ast.AST): """ if self._finish_queue: if isinstance(node, int): lineno_end = node else: lineno_end = getattr(node, 'lineno', None) while self._finish_queue: calldef = self._finish_queue.pop() calldef.lineno_end = lineno_end
[docs] def visit(self, node): """ Args: node (ast.AST): """ self.process_finished(node) super(TopLevelVisitor, self).visit(node)
[docs] def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): """ Args: node (ast.FunctionDef): """ if self._current_classname is None: callname = else: callname = self._current_classname + '.' + if node.decorator_list: for decor in node.decorator_list: if isinstance(decor, ast.Name): if == 'property': # likely a getter property # should we distinguish getters? # callname = callname + '.fget' pass if isinstance(decor, ast.Attribute): # Don't add setters / deleters to the callnames if decor.attr == 'deleter': # callname = callname + '.fdel' return if decor.attr == 'setter': # callname = callname + '.fset' return lineno = self._workaround_func_lineno(node) docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end = self._get_docstring(node) calldef = CallDefNode(callname, lineno, docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end, args=node.args) self.calldefs[callname] = calldef self._finish_queue.append(calldef)
[docs] def visit_ClassDef(self, node): """ Args: node (ast.ClassDef): """ if self._current_classname is None: callname = self._current_classname = callname docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end = self._get_docstring(node) calldef = CallDefNode(callname, node.lineno, docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end) self.calldefs[callname] = calldef self.generic_visit(node) self._current_classname = None self._finish_queue.append(calldef)
[docs] def visit_Module(self, node): """ Args: node (ast.Module): """ # get the module level docstr docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end = self._get_docstring(node) if docstr: # the module level docstr is not really a calldef, but parse it for # backwards compatibility. callname = '__doc__' calldef = CallDefNode(callname, doclineno, docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end) self.calldefs[callname] = calldef self.generic_visit(node)
# self._finish_queue.append(calldef)
[docs] def visit_Assign(self, node): """ Args: node (ast.Assign): """ # print('VISIT FunctionDef node = %r' % (node,)) # print('VISIT FunctionDef node = %r' % (node.__dict__,)) if self._current_classname is None: for target in node.targets: if hasattr(target, 'id'): self.assignments.append( # print('node.value = %r' % (node.value,)) # TODO: assign constants to # self.const_lookup self.generic_visit(node)
[docs] def visit_If(self, node): """ Args: node (ast.If): """ if isinstance(node.test, ast.Compare): # pragma: nobranch try: if IS_PY_GE_312: if all([ isinstance(node.test.ops[0], ast.Eq), == '__name__', node.test.comparators[0].value == '__main__', ]): # Ignore main block return else: if all([ isinstance(node.test.ops[0], ast.Eq), == '__name__', node.test.comparators[0].s == '__main__', ]): # Ignore main block return except Exception: # nocover pass self.generic_visit(node) # nocover
# def visit_ExceptHandler(self, node): # pass # def visit_TryFinally(self, node): # pass # def visit_TryExcept(self, node): # pass # def visit_Try(self, node): # TODO: parse a node only if it is visible in all cases # pass # # self.generic_visit(node) # nocover # -- helpers --- def _docnode_line_workaround(self, docnode): """ Find the start and ending line numbers of a docstring Args: docnode (ast.AST): Returns: Tuple[int, int] CommandLine: xdoctest -m xdoctest.static_analysis TopLevelVisitor._docnode_line_workaround Example: >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import * # NOQA >>> sq = chr(39) # single quote >>> dq = chr(34) # double quote >>> source = utils.codeblock( ''' def func0(): {ddd} docstr0 {ddd} def func1(): {ddd} docstr1 {ddd} def func2(): {ddd} docstr2 {ddd} def func3(): {ddd} docstr3 {ddd} # foobar def func5(): {ddd}pathological case {sss} # {ddd} # {sss} # {ddd} # {ddd} def func6(): " single quoted docstr " def func7(): r{ddd} raw line {ddd} ''').format(ddd=dq * 3, sss=sq * 3) >>> self = TopLevelVisitor(source) >>> func_nodes = self.syntax_tree().body >>> print(utils.add_line_numbers(utils.highlight_code(source), start=1)) >>> wants = [ >>> (2, 2), >>> (4, 5), >>> (7, 8), >>> (10, 12), >>> (14, 15), >>> (17, 17), >>> (19, 21), >>> ] >>> for i, func_node in enumerate(func_nodes): >>> docnode = func_node.body[0] >>> got = self._docnode_line_workaround(docnode) >>> want = wants[i] >>> print('got = {!r}'.format(got)) >>> print('want = {!r}'.format(want)) >>> assert got == want """ # lineno points to the last line of a string in CPython < 3.8 if hasattr(docnode, 'end_lineno'): endpos = docnode.end_lineno - 1 else: if PLAT_IMPL == 'PyPy': startpos = docnode.lineno - 1 if IS_PY_GE_312: docstr = utils.ensure_unicode(docnode.value.value) else: docstr = utils.ensure_unicode(docnode.value.s) sourcelines = self.sourcelines start, stop = self._find_docstr_endpos_workaround(docstr, sourcelines, startpos) # Convert 0-based line positions to 1-based line numbers doclineno = start + 1 doclineno_end = stop + 1 return doclineno, doclineno_end else: # Hack for older versions # TODO: fix in pypy endpos = docnode.lineno - 1 if IS_PY_GE_312: docstr = utils.ensure_unicode(docnode.value.value) else: docstr = utils.ensure_unicode(docnode.value.s) sourcelines = self.sourcelines start, stop = self._find_docstr_startpos_workaround(docstr, sourcelines, endpos) # Convert 0-based line positions to 1-based line numbers doclineno = start + 1 doclineno_end = stop # print('docnode = {!r}'.format(docnode)) return doclineno, doclineno_end @classmethod def _find_docstr_endpos_workaround(cls, docstr, sourcelines, startpos): """ Like docstr_line_workaround, but works from the top-down instead of bottom-up. This is for pypy. Given a docstring, its original source lines, and where the start position is, this function finds the end-position of the docstr Example: >>> fmtkw = dict(sss=chr(39) * 3, ddd=chr(34) * 3) >>> source = utils.codeblock( ''' {ddd} docstr0 {ddd} '''.format(**fmtkw)) >>> sourcelines = source.splitlines() >>> docstr = eval(source, {}, {}) >>> startpos = 0 >>> start, stop = TopLevelVisitor._find_docstr_endpos_workaround(docstr, sourcelines, startpos) >>> assert (start, stop) == (0, 2) >>> # >>> source = utils.codeblock( ''' "docstr0" '''.format(**fmtkw)) >>> sourcelines = source.splitlines() >>> docstr = eval(source, {}, {}) >>> startpos = 0 >>> start, stop = TopLevelVisitor._find_docstr_endpos_workaround(docstr, sourcelines, startpos) >>> assert (start, stop) == (0, 0) """ start = startpos stop = startpos startline = sourcelines[start] trips = ("'''", '"""') for trip in trips: if startline.strip().startswith((trip, 'r' + trip)): nlines = docstr.count('\n') # assuming that the docstr is actually terminated with this # kind of triple quote, then the end line is at this position cand_stop_ = start + nlines endline = sourcelines[cand_stop_] endpat = re.escape(trip) + r'\s*#.*$' endline_ = re.sub(endpat, trip, endline).strip() # The startline should also begin with the same triple quote # Account for raw strings. Note f-strings cannot be docstrings if endline_.endswith(trip): stop = cand_stop_ break else: # Conditions failed, revert to assuming a one-line string. stop = start return start, stop def _find_docstr_startpos_workaround(self, docstr, sourcelines, endpos): r""" Find the which sourcelines contain the docstring Args: docstr (str): the extracted docstring. sourcelines (list): a list of all lines in the file. We assume the docstring exists as a pure string literal in the source. In other words, no postprocessing via split, format, or any other dynamic programmatic modification should be made to the docstrings. Python's docstring extractor assumes this as well. endpos (int): line position (starting at 0) the docstring ends on. Note: positions are 0 based but linenos are 1 based. Returns: tuple[Int, Int]: start, stop: start: the line position (0 based) the docstring starts on stop: the line position (0 based) that the docstring stops such that sourcelines[start:stop] will contain the docstring CommandLine: python -m xdoctest xdoctest.static_analysis TopLevelVisitor._find_docstr_startpos_workaround python -m xdoctest xdoctest.static_analysis TopLevelVisitor._find_docstr_startpos_workaround --debug Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(CPython) >>> # This function is a specific workaround for a CPython bug. >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import * >>> sq = chr(39) # single quote >>> dq = chr(34) # double quote >>> source = utils.codeblock( ''' def func0(): {ddd} docstr0 {ddd} def func1(): {ddd} docstr1 {ddd} def func2(): {ddd} docstr2 {ddd} def func3(): {ddd} docstr3 {ddd} # foobar def func5(): {ddd}pathological case {sss} # {ddd} # {sss} # {ddd} # {ddd} def func6(): " single quoted docstr " def func7(): r{ddd} raw line {ddd} ''').format(ddd=dq * 3, sss=sq * 3) >>> print(utils.add_line_numbers(utils.highlight_code(source), start=0)) >>> targets = [ >>> (1, 2), >>> (3, 5), >>> (6, 8), >>> (9, 12), >>> (13, 15), >>> (16, 17), >>> (18, 21), >>> ] >>> self = TopLevelVisitor.parse(source) >>> pt = ast.parse(source.encode('utf8')) >>> sourcelines = source.splitlines() >>> # PYPY docnode.lineno specify the startpos of a docstring not >>> # the end. >>> print('\n\n====\n\n') >>> #for i in [0, 1]: >>> for i in range(len(targets)): >>> print('----------') >>> funcnode = pt.body[i] >>> print('funcnode = {!r}'.format(funcnode)) >>> docnode = funcnode.body[0] >>> print('funcnode.__dict__ = {!r}'.format(funcnode.__dict__)) >>> print('docnode = {!r}'.format(docnode)) >>> print('docnode.value = {!r}'.format(docnode.value)) >>> print('docnode.value.__dict__ = {!r}'.format(docnode.value.__dict__)) >>> if IS_PY_GE_312: >>> print('docnode.value.value = {!r}'.format(docnode.value.value)) >>> else: >>> print('docnode.value.s = {!r}'.format(docnode.value.s)) >>> print('docnode.lineno = {!r}'.format(docnode.lineno)) >>> print('docnode.col_offset = {!r}'.format(docnode.col_offset)) >>> print('docnode = {!r}'.format(docnode)) >>> #import IPython >>> #IPython.embed() >>> docstr = ast.get_docstring(funcnode, clean=False) >>> print('len(docstr) = {}'.format(len(docstr))) >>> endpos = docnode.lineno - 1 >>> if hasattr(docnode, 'end_lineno'): >>> endpos = docnode.end_lineno - 1 >>> print('endpos = {!r}'.format(endpos)) >>> start, end = self._find_docstr_startpos_workaround(docstr, sourcelines, endpos) >>> print('i = {!r}'.format(i)) >>> print('got = {}, {}'.format(start, end)) >>> print('want = {}, {}'.format(*targets[i])) >>> if targets[i] != (start, end): >>> print('---') >>> print(docstr) >>> print('---') >>> print('sourcelines = [\n{}\n]'.format(', \n'.join(list(map(repr, enumerate(sourcelines)))))) >>> print('endpos = {!r}'.format(endpos)) >>> raise AssertionError('docstr workaround is failing') >>> print('----------') """ # First assume a one-line string that starts and stops on the same line start = endpos stop = endpos + 1 endline = sourcelines[stop - 1] # Determine if the docstring is a triple quoted string, by trying both # triple quote styles and checking if the string starts and ends with # the same style. If both cases are true we know we are in a triple # quoted string literal and can therefore safely extract the starting # line position. trips = ("'''", '"""') for trip in trips: pattern = re.escape(trip) + r'\s*#.*$' # Assuming the multiline string is using `trip` as the triple quote # format, then the first instance of that pattern must terminate # the string literal. Afterwords the only valid characters are # whitespace and comments. Anything after the comment can be # ignored. The above pattern will match the first triple quote it # sees, and then will remove any trailing comments. endline_ = re.sub(pattern, trip, endline).strip() # After removing comments, if the endline endswith a triple quote, # then we must be in a multiline string IF the startline starts # with that same triple quote. We should be able to determine where # the startline is because we know how many newline characters are # in the extracted docstring. This works because all newline # characters in multiline string literals MUST correspond to actual # newlines in the source code. if endline_.endswith(trip): nlines = docstr.count('\n') # assuming that the docstr is actually terminated with this # kind of triple quote, then the start line is at this position cand_start_ = stop - nlines - 1 startline = sourcelines[cand_start_] # The startline should also begin with the same triple quote # Account for raw strings. Note f-strings cannot be docstrings if startline.strip().startswith((trip, 'r' + trip)): # Both conditions pass. start = cand_start_ break else: # Conditions failed, revert to assuming a one-line string. start = stop - 1 return start, stop def _get_docstring(self, node): """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m TopLevelVisitor._get_docstring Example: >>> source = utils.codeblock( ''' def foo(): 'docstr' ''') >>> self = TopLevelVisitor(source) >>> node = self.syntax_tree().body[0] >>> self._get_docstring(node) ('docstr', 2, 2) """ docstr = ast.get_docstring(node, clean=False) if docstr is not None: docnode = node.body[0] doclineno, doclineno_end = self._docnode_line_workaround(docnode) else: doclineno = None doclineno_end = None return (docstr, doclineno, doclineno_end) def _workaround_func_lineno(self, node): """ Finds the correct line for the original function definition even when decorators are involved. Example: >>> source = utils.codeblock( ''' @bar @baz def foo(): 'docstr' ''') >>> self = TopLevelVisitor(source) >>> node = self.syntax_tree().body[0] >>> self._workaround_func_lineno(node) 3 """ # Try and find the lineno of the function definition # (maybe the fact that its on a decorator is actually right...) if node.decorator_list: # Decorators can throw off the line the function is declared on linex = node.lineno - 1 pattern = r'\s*def\s*' + # I think this is actually robust while not re.match(pattern, self.sourcelines[linex]): linex += 1 lineno = linex + 1 else: lineno = node.lineno return lineno
[docs] def parse_static_calldefs(source=None, fpath=None): """ Statically finds top-level callable functions and methods in python source Args: source (str): python text fpath (str): filepath to read if source is not specified Returns: Dict[str, CallDefNode]: mapping from callnames to CallDefNodes, which contain info about the item with the doctest. Example: >>> from xdoctest import static_analysis >>> fpath = static_analysis.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py') >>> calldefs = parse_static_calldefs(fpath=fpath) >>> assert 'parse_static_calldefs' in calldefs """ if source is None: # pragma: no branch try: with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_: source ='utf-8') except Exception: try: with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_: source = except Exception: print('Unable to read fpath = {!r}'.format(fpath)) raise try: self = TopLevelVisitor.parse(source) return self.calldefs except Exception: # nocover if fpath: print('Failed to parse docstring for fpath=%r' % (fpath,)) else: print('Failed to parse docstring') raise
[docs] def parse_calldefs(source=None, fpath=None): from xdoctest.utils import util_deprecation util_deprecation.schedule_deprecation( modname='xdoctest', name='parse_calldefs', type='function', migration='use parse_static_calldefs instead', deprecate='1.0.0', error='1.1.0', remove='1.2.0' ) return parse_static_calldefs(source=source, fpath=fpath)
def _parse_static_node_value(node): """ Extract a constant value from a node if possible """ import numbers if (isinstance(node, ast.Constant) and isinstance(node.value, numbers.Number) if IS_PY_GE_308 else isinstance(node, ast.Num)): value = node.value if IS_PY_GE_308 else node.n elif (isinstance(node, ast.Constant) and isinstance(node.value, str) if IS_PY_GE_308 else isinstance(node, ast.Str)): value = node.value if IS_PY_GE_308 else node.s elif isinstance(node, ast.List): value = list(map(_parse_static_node_value, node.elts)) elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple): value = tuple(map(_parse_static_node_value, node.elts)) elif isinstance(node, (ast.Dict)): keys = map(_parse_static_node_value, node.keys) values = map(_parse_static_node_value, node.values) value = OrderedDict(zip(keys, values)) # value = dict(zip(keys, values)) elif isinstance(node, (ast.NameConstant)): value = node.value else: print(node.__dict__) raise TypeError('Cannot parse a static value from non-static node ' 'of type: {!r}'.format(type(node))) return value
[docs] def parse_static_value(key, source=None, fpath=None): """ Statically parse a constant variable's value from python code. TODO: This does not belong here. Move this to an external static analysis library. Args: key (str): name of the variable source (str): python text fpath (str): filepath to read if source is not specified Returns: object Example: >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import parse_static_value >>> key = 'foo' >>> source = 'foo = 123' >>> assert parse_static_value(key, source=source) == 123 >>> source = 'foo = "123"' >>> assert parse_static_value(key, source=source) == '123' >>> source = 'foo = [1, 2, 3]' >>> assert parse_static_value(key, source=source) == [1, 2, 3] >>> source = 'foo = (1, 2, "3")' >>> assert parse_static_value(key, source=source) == (1, 2, "3") >>> source = 'foo = {1: 2, 3: 4}' >>> assert parse_static_value(key, source=source) == {1: 2, 3: 4} >>> source = 'foo = None' >>> assert parse_static_value(key, source=source) == None >>> #parse_static_value('bar', source=source) >>> #parse_static_value('bar', source='foo=1; bar = [1, foo]') """ if source is None: # pragma: no branch try: with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_: source ='utf-8') except Exception: with open(fpath, 'rb') as file_: source = pt = ast.parse(source) class AssignentVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): def visit_Assign(self, node): for target in node.targets: target_id = getattr(target, 'id', None) if target_id == key: self.value = _parse_static_node_value(node.value) sentinel = object() visitor = AssignentVisitor() visitor.value = sentinel visitor.visit(pt) if visitor.value is sentinel: raise NameError('No static variable named {!r}'.format(key)) return visitor.value
[docs] def package_modpaths(pkgpath, with_pkg=False, with_mod=True, followlinks=True, recursive=True, with_libs=False, check=True): r""" Finds sub-packages and sub-modules belonging to a package. Args: pkgpath (str): path to a module or package with_pkg (bool): if True includes package __init__ files (default = False) with_mod (bool): if True includes module files (default = True) exclude (list): ignores any module that matches any of these patterns recursive (bool): if False, then only child modules are included with_libs (bool): if True then compiled shared libs will be returned as well check (bool): if False, then then pkgpath is considered a module even if it does not contain an __init__ file. Yields: str: module names belonging to the package References: Example: >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import * >>> pkgpath = modname_to_modpath('xdoctest') >>> paths = list(package_modpaths(pkgpath)) >>> print('\n'.join(paths)) >>> names = list(map(modpath_to_modname, paths)) >>> assert 'xdoctest.core' in names >>> assert 'xdoctest.__main__' in names >>> assert 'xdoctest' not in names >>> print('\n'.join(names)) """ if isfile(pkgpath): # If input is a file, just return it yield pkgpath else: if with_pkg: root_path = join(pkgpath, '') if not check or exists(root_path): yield root_path valid_exts = ['.py'] if with_libs: valid_exts += utils.util_import._platform_pylib_exts() for dpath, dnames, fnames in os.walk(pkgpath, followlinks=followlinks): ispkg = exists(join(dpath, '')) if ispkg or not check: check = True # always check subdirs if with_mod: for fname in fnames: if splitext(fname)[1] in valid_exts: # dont yield inits. Handled in pkg loop. if fname != '': path = join(dpath, fname) yield path if with_pkg: for dname in dnames: path = join(dpath, dname, '') if exists(path): yield path else: # Stop recursing when we are out of the package del dnames[:] if not recursive: break
[docs] def is_balanced_statement(lines, only_tokens=False, reraise=0): r""" Checks if the lines have balanced braces and quotes. Args: lines (List[str]): list of strings, one for each line Returns: bool: True if the statement is balanced, otherwise False CommandLine: xdoctest -m xdoctest.static_analysis is_balanced_statement:0 References: Example: >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import * # NOQA >>> assert is_balanced_statement(['print(foobar)']) >>> assert is_balanced_statement(['foo = bar']) is True >>> assert is_balanced_statement(['foo = (']) is False >>> assert is_balanced_statement(['foo = (', "')(')"]) is True >>> assert is_balanced_statement( ... ['foo = (', "'''", ")]'''", ')']) is True >>> assert is_balanced_statement( ... ['foo = ', "'''", ")]'''", ')']) is False >>> #assert is_balanced_statement(['foo = ']) is False >>> #assert is_balanced_statement(['== ']) is False >>> lines = ['def foo():', '', ' x = 1', 'assert True', ''] >>> assert is_balanced_statement(lines) Example: >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import * >>> source_parts = [ >>> 'setup(', >>> " name='extension',", >>> ' ext_modules=[', >>> ' CppExtension(', >>> " name='extension',", >>> " sources=['extension.cpp'],", >>> " extra_compile_args=['-g'])),", >>> ' ],', >>> ] >>> print('\n'.join(source_parts)) >>> assert not is_balanced_statement(source_parts) >>> source_parts = [ >>> 'setup(', >>> " name='extension',", >>> ' ext_modules=[', >>> ' CppExtension(', >>> " name='extension',", >>> " sources=['extension.cpp'],", >>> " extra_compile_args=['-g']),", >>> ' ],', >>> ' cmdclass={', >>> " 'build_ext': BuildExtension", >>> ' })', >>> ] >>> print('\n'.join(source_parts)) >>> assert is_balanced_statement(source_parts) Example: >>> lines = ['try: raise Exception'] >>> is_balanced_statement(lines, only_tokens=1) True >>> is_balanced_statement(lines, only_tokens=0) False Example: >>> # Cause a failure case on 3.12 >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import * >>> lines = ['3, 4]', 'print(len(x))'] >>> is_balanced_statement(lines, only_tokens=1) False """ # Only iterate through non-empty lines otherwise tokenize will stop short lines = list(lines) iterable = (line for line in lines if line) def _readline(): return next(iterable) try: for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(_readline): pass except tokenize.TokenError as ex: message = ex.args[0] # First case is Python <= 3.11, Second case is >= 3.12 if message.startswith(('EOF in multi-line', 'unexpected EOF in multi-line')): if reraise: raise return False raise except IndentationError as ex: message = ex.args[0] if message.startswith('unindent does not match any outer indentation'): if reraise: raise return False raise else: # Note: trying to use ast.parse(block) will not work # here because it breaks in try, except, else if not only_tokens: # The above test wont trigger for cases involving higher level # python grammar. If we wish to test for these we will have to use # an AST. try: text = '\n'.join(lines) # from textwrap import dedent # text = dedent(text) six_axt_parse(text) except SyntaxError: if reraise: raise return False return True
[docs] def extract_comments(source): """ Returns the text in each comment in a block of python code. Uses tokenize to account for quotations. Args: source (str | List[str]): CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.static_analysis extract_comments Example: >>> from xdoctest import utils >>> source = utils.codeblock( >>> ''' # comment 1 a = '# not a comment' # comment 2 c = 3 ''') >>> comments = list(extract_comments(source)) >>> assert comments == ['# comment 1', '# comment 2'] >>> comments = list(extract_comments(source.splitlines())) >>> assert comments == ['# comment 1', '# comment 2'] """ if isinstance(source, str): lines = source.splitlines() else: lines = source # Only iterate through non-empty lines otherwise tokenize will stop short iterable = (line for line in lines if line) def _readline(): return next(iterable) try: for t in tokenize.generate_tokens(_readline): if t[0] == tokenize.COMMENT: yield t[1] except tokenize.TokenError: pass
def _strip_hashtag_comments_and_newlines(source): """ Removes hashtag comments from underlying source Args: source (str | List[str]): CommandLine: xdoctest -m xdoctest.static_analysis _strip_hashtag_comments_and_newlines TODO: would be better if this was some sort of configurable minify API Example: >>> from xdoctest.static_analysis import _strip_hashtag_comments_and_newlines >>> from xdoctest import utils >>> fmtkw = dict(sss=chr(39) * 3, ddd=chr(34) * 3) >>> source = utils.codeblock( >>> ''' # comment 1 a = '# not a comment' # comment 2 multiline_string = {ddd} one {ddd} b = [ 1, # foo # bar 3, ] c = 3 ''').format(**fmtkw) >>> non_comments = _strip_hashtag_comments_and_newlines(source) >>> print(non_comments) >>> assert non_comments.count(chr(10)) == 10 >>> assert non_comments.count('#') == 1 """ if isinstance(source, str): import io f = io.StringIO(source) readline = f.readline else: readline = iter(source).__next__ def strip_hashtag_comments(tokens): """ Drop comment tokens from a `tokenize` stream. """ return (t for t in tokens if t[0] != tokenize.COMMENT) def strip_consecutive_newlines(tokens): """ Consecutive newlines are dropped and trailing whitespace Adapated from: """ prev_typ = None prev_end_col = 0 skipped_rows = 0 for token_info in tokens: typ, tok, (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col), line = token_info if typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE): if prev_typ in (tokenize.NL, tokenize.NEWLINE, None): skipped_rows += 1 continue else: start_col = prev_end_col end_col = start_col + 1 prev_typ = typ prev_end_col = end_col yield typ, tok, (start_row - skipped_rows, start_col), (end_row - skipped_rows, end_col), line tokens = tokenize.generate_tokens(readline) tokens = strip_hashtag_comments(tokens) tokens = strip_consecutive_newlines(tokens) new_source = tokenize.untokenize(tokens) return new_source
[docs] def six_axt_parse(source_block, filename='<source_block>', compatible=True): """ Python 2/3 compatible replacement for ast.parse(source_block, filename='<source_block>') Args: source (str): filename (str): compatible (bool): Returns: ast.Module | types.CodeType """ pt = ast.parse(source_block, filename=filename) return pt
if __name__ == '__main__': import xdoctest as xdoc xdoc.doctest_module()