Source code for xdoctest.utils.util_misc

Utilities that are mainly used in self-testing
from os.path import join
import random
from .util_path import TempDir

[docs] class TempDoctest(object): """ Creates a temporary file containing a module-level doctest for testing Example: >>> from xdoctest import core >>> self = TempDoctest('>>> a = 1') >>> doctests = list(core.parse_doctestables(self.modpath)) >>> assert len(doctests) == 1 """ def __init__(self, docstr, modname=None): if modname is None: # make a random temporary module name alphabet = list(map(chr, range(97, 97 + 26))) modname = ''.join([random.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(8)]) self.modname = modname self.docstr = docstr self.temp = TempDir() self.dpath = self.temp.ensure() self.modpath = join(self.dpath, self.modname + '.py') with open(self.modpath, 'w') as file: file.write("'''\n%s'''" % self.docstr)
[docs] class TempModule(object): """ Creates a temporary directory with a python module. Example: >>> from xdoctest import core >>> self = TempDoctest('>>> a = 1') >>> doctests = list(core.parse_doctestables(self.modpath)) >>> assert len(doctests) == 1 """ def __init__(self, module_text, modname=None): if modname is None: # make a random temporary module name alphabet = list(map(chr, range(97, 97 + 26))) modname = ''.join([random.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(8)]) self.modname = modname self.module_text = module_text self.temp = TempDir() self.dpath = self.temp.ensure() self.modpath = join(self.dpath, self.modname + '.py') with open(self.modpath, 'w') as file: file.write(module_text)
[docs] def print_contents(self): """ For debugging on windows """ import pathlib import os print(f'--- <TempModule {self!r}> ---') print(f'self.modname={self.modname!r}') print(f'self.dpath={self.dpath!r}') print(f'self.modpath={self.modpath!r}') dpath_exists1 = os.path.exists(self.dpath) modpath_exists1 = os.path.exists(self.modpath) print(f'dpath_exists1={dpath_exists1}') print(f'modpath_exists1={modpath_exists1}') dpath = pathlib.Path(self.dpath) print(f'dpath={dpath}') dpath_exists = dpath.exists() print(f'dpath_exists={dpath_exists!r}') modpath = pathlib.Path(self.modpath) print(f'modpath={modpath!r}') modpath_exists = modpath.exists() print(f'modpath_exists={modpath_exists!r}') modpath_contents = modpath.read_text() print(f'modpath_contents={modpath_contents!r}') print(f'--- </TempModule {self!r}> ---')
def _run_case(source, style='auto'): """ Runs all doctests in a source block Args: source (str): source code of an entire file TODO: run case is over-duplicated and should be separated into a test utils directory """ from xdoctest import utils from xdoctest import runner COLOR = 'yellow' def cprint(msg, color=COLOR): print(utils.color_text(str(msg), COLOR)) cprint('\n\n' '\n <RUN CASE> ' '\n ======== ' '\n', COLOR) cprint('CASE SOURCE:') cprint('------------') print(utils.indent( utils.add_line_numbers(utils.highlight_code(source, 'python')))) print('') import hashlib hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(source.encode('utf8')) hashid = hasher.hexdigest()[0:8] with utils.TempDir() as temp: dpath = temp.dpath modpath = join(dpath, 'test_linenos_' + hashid + '.py') with open(modpath, 'w') as file: file.write(source) with utils.CaptureStdout(suppress=False) as cap: runner.doctest_module(modpath, 'all', argv=[''], style=style) cprint('\n\n --- </END RUN CASE> --- \n\n', COLOR) return cap.text