Source code for xdoctest.utils.util_str

Utilities related to string manipulations
import math
import textwrap
import warnings
import re
import os
import sys

# Global state that determines if ANSI-coloring text is allowed
# (which is mainly to address non-ANSI compliant windows consoles)
# compliant with
NO_COLOR = bool(os.environ.get('NO_COLOR'))

[docs] def strip_ansi(text): r""" Removes all ansi directives from the string. Args: text (str): Returns: str References: Examples: >>> line = '\t\u001b[0;35mBlabla\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m172.18.0.2\u001b[0m' >>> escaped_line = strip_ansi(line) >>> assert escaped_line == '\tBlabla' """ # ansi_escape1 = re.compile(r'\x1b[^m]*m') # text = ansi_escape1.sub('', text) # ansi_escape2 = re.compile(r'\x1b\[([0-9,A-Z]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?(;[0-9]{3})?)?[m|K]?') ansi_escape3 = re.compile(r'(\x9B|\x1B\[)[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]', flags=re.IGNORECASE) text = ansi_escape3.sub('', text) return text
[docs] def color_text(text, color): r""" Colorizes text a single color using ansii tags. Args: text (str): text to colorize color (str): may be one of the following: yellow, blink, lightgray, underline, darkyellow, blue, darkblue, faint, fuchsia, black, white, red, brown, turquoise, bold, darkred, darkgreen, reset, standout, darkteal, darkgray, overline, purple, green, teal, fuscia Returns: str: colorized text. If pygments is not installed plain text is returned. Example: >>> import sys >>> if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): >>> import pytest >>> pytest.skip() >>> text = 'raw text' >>> from xdoctest import utils >>> from xdoctest.utils import util_str >>> if utils.modname_to_modpath('pygments') and not util_str.NO_COLOR: >>> # Colors text only if pygments is installed >>> import pygments >>> print('pygments = {!r}'.format(pygments)) >>> ansi_text1 = color_text(text, 'red') >>> print('ansi_text1 = {!r}'.format(ansi_text1)) >>> ansi_text = utils.ensure_unicode(ansi_text1) >>> prefix = utils.ensure_unicode('\x1b[31') >>> print('prefix = {!r}'.format(prefix)) >>> print('ansi_text = {!r}'.format(ansi_text)) >>> assert ansi_text.startswith(prefix) >>> assert color_text(text, None) == 'raw text' >>> else: >>> # Otherwise text passes through unchanged >>> assert color_text(text, 'red') == 'raw text' >>> assert color_text(text, None) == 'raw text' """ if NO_COLOR or color is None: return text try: if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # nocover # Hack on win32 to support colored output try: import colorama if not colorama.initialise.atexit_done: # Only init if it hasn't been done colorama.init() except ImportError: warnings.warn( 'colorama is not installed, ansi colors may not work') # import os # if os.environ.get('XDOC_WIN32_COLORS', 'False') == 'False': # # hack: dont color on windows by default, but do init colorama # return text import pygments import pygments.console try: ansi_text = pygments.console.colorize(color, text) except KeyError: warnings.warn('unable to find color: {!r}'.format(color)) return text except Exception as ex: # nocover warnings.warn('some other issue with text color: {!r}'.format(ex)) return text return ansi_text except ImportError: # nocover warnings.warn('pygments is not installed, text will not be colored') return text
[docs] def ensure_unicode(text): """ Casts bytes into utf8 (mostly for python2 compatibility) Args: text (str): Returns: str References: CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.utils ensure_unicode Example: >>> assert ensure_unicode('my ünicôdé strįng') == 'my ünicôdé strįng' >>> assert ensure_unicode('text1') == 'text1' >>> assert ensure_unicode('text1'.encode('utf8')) == 'text1' >>> assert ensure_unicode('text1'.encode('utf8')) == 'text1' >>> import codecs >>> assert (codecs.BOM_UTF8 + 'text»¿'.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8') """ if isinstance(text, str): return text elif isinstance(text, bytes): return text.decode('utf8') else: # nocover raise ValueError('unknown input type {!r}'.format(text))
[docs] def indent(text, prefix=' '): r""" Indents a block of text Args: text (str): text to indent prefix (str): prefix to add to each line (default = ' ') Returns: str: indented text CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.utils ensure_unicode Example: >>> text = 'Lorem ipsum\ndolor sit amet' >>> prefix = ' ' >>> result = indent(text, prefix) >>> assert all(t.startswith(prefix) for t in result.split('\n')) """ return prefix + text.replace('\n', '\n' + prefix)
[docs] def highlight_code(text, lexer_name='python', **kwargs): """ Highlights a block of text using ansi tags based on language syntax. Args: text (str): plain text to highlight lexer_name (str): name of language **kwargs: passed to pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name Returns: str: text : highlighted text If pygments is not installed, the plain text is returned. CommandLine: python -c "import pygments.formatters; print(list(pygments.formatters.get_all_formatters()))" Example: >>> text = 'import xdoctest as xdoc; print(xdoc)' >>> new_text = highlight_code(text) >>> print(new_text) """ if NO_COLOR: return text # Resolve extensions to languages lexer_name = { 'py': 'python', 'h': 'cpp', 'cpp': 'cpp', 'cxx': 'cpp', 'c': 'cpp', }.get(lexer_name.replace('.', ''), lexer_name) try: if sys.platform.startswith('win32'): # nocover # Hack on win32 to support colored output try: import colorama if not colorama.initialise.atexit_done: # Only init if it hasn't been done colorama.init() except ImportError: warnings.warn( 'colorama is not installed, ansi colors may not work') # import os # if os.environ.get('XDOC_WIN32_COLORS', 'False') == 'False': # # hack: dont color on windows by default, but do init colorama # return text import pygments import pygments.lexers import pygments.formatters import pygments.formatters.terminal formatter = pygments.formatters.terminal.TerminalFormatter(bg='dark') lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(lexer_name, ensurenl=False, **kwargs) new_text = pygments.highlight(text, lexer, formatter) # formatter = pygments.formatters.terminal.TerminalFormatter(bg='dark') # lexer = pygments.lexers.get_lexer_by_name(lexer_name, **kwargs) # new_text = pygments.highlight(text, lexer, formatter) except ImportError: # nocover warnings.warn('pygments is not installed, code will not be highlighted') new_text = text return new_text
[docs] def add_line_numbers(source, start=1, n_digits=None): """ Prefixes code with line numbers Args: source (str | List[str]): start (int): n_digits (int | None): Returns: List[str] | str Example: >>> print(chr(10).join(add_line_numbers(['a', 'b', 'c']))) 1 a 2 b 3 c >>> print(add_line_numbers(chr(10).join(['a', 'b', 'c']))) 1 a 2 b 3 c """ was_string = isinstance(source, str) part_lines = source.splitlines() if was_string else source if n_digits is None: endline = start + len(part_lines) n_digits = math.log(max(1, endline), 10) n_digits = int(math.ceil(n_digits)) src_fmt = '{count:{n_digits}d} {line}' part_lines = [ src_fmt.format(n_digits=n_digits, count=count, line=line) for count, line in enumerate(part_lines, start=start) ] if was_string: return '\n'.join(part_lines) else: return part_lines
[docs] def codeblock(block_str): """ Wraps multiline string blocks and returns unindented code. Useful for templated code defined in indented parts of code. Args: block_str (str): typically in the form of a multiline string Returns: str: the unindented string Example: >>> # Simulate an indented part of code >>> if True: ... # notice the indentation on this will be normal ... codeblock_version = codeblock( ... ''' ... def foo(): ... return 'bar' ... ''' ... ) ... # notice the indentation and newlines on this will be odd ... normal_version = (''' ... def foo(): ... return 'bar' ... ''') >>> assert normal_version != codeblock_version >>> print('Without codeblock') >>> print(normal_version) >>> print('With codeblock') >>> print(codeblock_version) """ return textwrap.dedent(block_str).strip('\n')
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m xdoctest.utils.util_str all """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)